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Everything posted by 0xdeadbeef

  1. Of the backboard? Seem this AI has never watched the majesty of a Gervin finger roll.
  2. It is 100% true that the Allies and German Army fought on the same side. (*) (*) In two known cases very late in the war, at the Battle of Castle Itter and Operation Cowboy, the German Regular Army joined in with Allied forces against the Waffen-SS. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Castle_Itter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cowboy
  3. Scott Manley had a video speculating about exactly that the day after the launch. The FTS seems to have fired and punched holes in the first and second stages, but it wasn't enough damage or loss of pressurization to cause a boom. That must be one bad-ass re-pressurization system?
  4. I see a bunch of people saying he won't have much success in year 1 and if he's going to win, it'll start in year 2. I don't see it that way. I think year -1 the team is competitive across the board and at-or-above .500; maybe 7-5. Deion will probably even get a few words in the conversation for Coach of the Year. The talent upgrade and a coaching staff that doesn't self destruct should get them there. They do play in the Pac-12. I see year-2 being the hard year. If year-1 is 6-6 or 7-5, the expectations for year-2 will be sky-high. The massive talent upgrade he's doing now is a one-time trick. Next year he'll upgrade a few players like everyone else, but the improvement in year-2 has to start from the top. Coaching, schemes, player development. It will be interesting if Deion has that in him. College Football is my #1 sport, and love him or hate him, the sport is better off with some characters like him. We lost the Pirate, but we're getting Prime; he needs to have some success to stay relevant.
  5. Windstream. Is the storm inhaling? That can't be good.
  6. Maury? Oh crap, you're right the DNA schtick was the other guy, not Springer. In my brain, both these guys are filed away in the same trash bin. Two sides to the same coin.
  7. If this was fake, this would be comedy gold. But as far as I know, this was real, which makes it heartbreaking for those kids. Just because you can make a TV show doesn't mean you should.
  8. I'm curious how you think it went down in the SpaceX control room on Monday 4/17. The rocket's on the pad with 6-Million pounds of Oxygen and 2-Million pounds of Methane. The countdown down to T-10 minutes, and then what? Are you thinking that: Elon just made an announcement? "Hey folks, we're not launching today. Because I said so. Wink-Wink. And everyone pretend it was a frozen valve, Ok" or Elon (or a trusted minion) secretly reprogramed the display software to just show a frozen valve? or Elon pulls a small number of folks aside the day/week before and tells them to 'pretend' that sensors were showing a frozen values? ...and when the engineering leads ask for the logs from the scrub, are they told that "Top Men are working on it. Top. Men"
  9. I'm jaded. That is such a lob ball that it makes me wonder if both accounts are the same person.
  10. It doesn't sound like cutting corners to me, it sounds like a calculated decision that didn't go their way. SN5 Destroyed it's launch pad SN8 damaged it's launch pad, and had a piece of concrete hit the engines that minutes later led to the landing boom. They learned, adjusted, and moved forward. If I had to fly on a rocket, I'd rather see it developed SpaceX's way than what Blue Origin and ULA are doing. The Blue Origin BE-4 engine that has been testing on a bench since at least 2017 but has never flown. The first time one of these leave the ground may be in ULA's Vulcan rocket later this year (or next year). It's NOT a throw away flight for ULA. It's one of two that ULA must have to be certified for military launches. One way to look at it is ULA and Blue origin are 'cost cutting' by NOT building a half dozen test rockets.
  11. You understand that the main engines and SRBs on the SLS were reused parts from the Space Shuttle, right? The SLS was just a re-engineering of existing proven Space Shuttle technology. No new engine or really anything new of interest. And yet it cost more than $23 BILLION and was six years late. It took 10 years. There are currently no more SLSs ready to go and won't be for years and Billions more spent. In contrast, the thing that SpaceX blew up has been estimated to cost about $25 million to manufacture. And the next one is more our less ready to go... and the one after that is well under way. They can crank them out in just a few months. SpaceX's (and silicon Valley's) fail-fast development process is often upsetting and confusing to folks who don't follow closely, but it's damn effective. SpaceX is better at what it does than any other company (or government)
  12. Wait, you guys aren't serious, are you? The first time it came up I thought people were just joking about their choice of band shirt...now... I'm not so sure. ULA is rocking the every-guy-in-the-room-is-old-enough-for-a-prostrate-exam vibe: Elon's sitting with these hipsters douchebags saying: "How do you do, fellow kids?" BTW - ULA is now for sale since Boeing sees the writing on the wall and is bailing out of that joint venture. And then there's this look. Back in My day....
  13. They knew they built a new type of launch platform with no flame trench and a different kind of water suppression system, so its very likely that they expected some (or even all) of the damage and already have multiple plans to evolve it depending on what worked and what didn't. I'd bet we see another attempt this year.
  14. Holy fuck you guys are disgusting. And don't touch my food, I know where your hands have been.
  15. 0xdeadbeef

    Getting old sucks

    I hate to be the one to tell you, but I think the doctor been screwing your wife.
  16. I don't like Green, but this was on Sabonis. You may have only seen the gif that starts just after the screengrab below. That does look like it's intentional, but if you watch the full clip, Sabonis grabbed Greens leg while the right foot was on the ground and held on while Green tried to step. I would not expect a suspension. The full clip is halfway down the page here: https://ftw.usatoday.com/2023/04/draymond-green-stomp-domantas-sabonis-foul-ankle
  17. Too many details missing from the article to really get a picture of what happened. How long and how remote was the driveway? Did they turn in and then start to turn around to leave? What time of day was this? If it was at night, did the driver have/leave their lights on? Did the driver stop on the driveway for some period of time? Two contrasting scenarios that fit the minimal data points we have: Let's say it was a quarter-mile long driveway not within sight of any neighbor, and let's say this was at 2am and the diver turned their light out halfway up the driveway and then rolled quietly up near the house where they parked and waited. That starts bordering on Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes territory. or Let's say it was a 50yd driveway with 3 or 4 neighbors within a quarter mile off a somewhat busy road at 2pm and the car turned in, drove a few car lengths, and started to turn around to leave. This is flat out murder.
  18. What a fucked up thing to happen. Unless something drastically changes in the story, this shooter needs to be sent away for the rest of his life. I just can't wrap my head around why. This was just before 10pm, not super late. It's not as if the kid was banging on the door at 3am screaming obscenities. Is it really as simple as the guy was terrified for his life from a skinny black kid. That's just crazy.
  19. And if a little talking to them didn't work, LBJ might just invite them to tour his home turf of Texas; maybe in a nice open air convertible. That man did not put up with shit.
  20. Not so fast my friend. Based on mostly liner increase in the Greater Austin's population from 500K in 1993 to to 2.2M I pulled a seemingly reasonable 3x frequency increase out of my, um, hat, and put the question to AI. I asked Google's AI (bard.google.com) If an event happens 3 times in 30 years and then 8 times in 10 months, and we have a null hypothesis that "the frequency of the event should be 3 times higher in the 10-month period", and an alternative hypothesis as "the frequency of the event more than three times higher in the 10-month period than in the 30-year period" and if we use a use a chi-squared test, is that statistically significant? Bottom line, the math works out and AI has confirmed Austin has a Serial Killer. Next Question for the AI: If Austin Texas had a serial killer in the Rainey Street district, what should they be called? On second thought screw that AI crap
  21. I'm an old, $10K doesn't move the needle. Make it win-a-Million or lose-a-Million and I'm in. I'd hire a shooting coach for $10K a month and do it full time. With nobody guarding you and unlimited attempts, a streak of ten isn't really that many. I'd expect any reasonably athletic guy who played some basketball to knock it out in 2 or 3 months. On the other hand, doing 10 in a row on-demand like in a 3-pt contest, would probably be beyond most people.
  22. You're not serious right? Elon may have turned into a rich douche bag, but credit where credit is due. Elon started and remains the driving force behind SpaceX. The fact that he's an ass and a troll doesn't change the fact that he understands the technical aspects of rockets and rocket engines far beyond anyone but top engineering talent. His nose has been as deep as it can get in SpaceX since Day 1. I have no problem calling him out of the dumb shit he does, and there is a lot of that, but SpaceX is a grand slam. This is a great book that reveals how far his nose is stuck into SpaceX: https://www.amazon.com/Liftoff-Desperate-Early-Launched-SpaceX/dp/0062979973
  23. 0xdeadbeef

    Getting old sucks

    Home Depot's got your back: My parents used to have one of those.... but they were ... old people. This is like staring into my future.
  24. Dude, what I learned growing up watching TV is it's not healthy to keep telling yourself it was 'mud' and everything is OK. Sooner of later you're going to realize it wasn't a chicken.
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