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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. Kon Tiki. That was some serious balls and/or stupidity. Either way a fascinating true story. Netflix.
  2. I watched it all. I agree it was hard to keep up with at first, but I think that was part of the plan. There are three distinct stories that collide in this series, but they both hinge on crimes against young women. The common links are pretty hard to swallow at times. But it definitely didn't telegraph the conclusion(s) of the first season. I'll watch season 2, if it comes out. I wasn't any harder to follow than Dark, or Babylon Berlin.
  3. I'm going to suggest Damnation one more time, in hopes someone else watches it and finds it worth the time, and I'm not going crazy. Plus I have a question about it I can't sort out.
  4. Am I the only one who cringes when I hear these writers addressing coaches by their first names, or nicknames? I just think it's a sign of disrespect in an attempt to be more 'in' than they are. I can't imagine anyone having addressed Coach Royal as Darrell. Coach really isn't hard to say. Use it. Done yelling at clouds. Carry on.
  5. Because life is more than what you have. And it's not just material things you can have, but also power, popularity, adoration and attention. It is more about what you are. And when you sell what you are to get what you have, then there's naught left but an empty shell of a person. And who wants that? Other than others who still think it's all about what you have?
  6. I have been struggling a lot lately with the same as a lot of you. People and family I have always deemed level headed and respected who have just gone to the dark side. Not militantly so, or in your face, but still just in normal conversation you know where they now stand. And you feel lonely, because you lost another friend. Eric Swalwell wrote a great column today. Basically it goes into how so many of our politicians, particularly GOP side, tend to think of themselves as 'entertainers' instead of representatives. And their constituents are now their 'fans.' I'm not real sure why this is working so well on the deplorables, but it is. There's also a section on civility and manners, which has been highlighted in this thread by @Antidean about his stepson.
  7. This is the real meat of the bill. They have taken election oversite from the secretary of state and will appoint someone of their own choosing to that position. Someone who would probably be more amenable to 'finding' trumps missing votes. Folks, this same type thing is happening here in Texas. SB7 passed and HB6 is most likely going to as well. What would we support here as far as boycotts against the same type voter suppression?
  8. From what I am reading, it will reduce the strength of urban centers and enhance that of rural. Part of it is to protect the new voter suppression laws when they get challenged in courts. Diminish the left voice in the courts. State courts played an outsized role in the 2020 election as former President Donald Trump and his allies pushed dozens of baseless lawsuits alleging election fraud without any evidence. They could play an even greater role in the coming months as Republican state lawmakers push more than 360 bills to restrict voting in 47 states, according to an analysis by the Brennan Center, including more than two dozen in Texas. Republicans are also gearing up for a new round of legislative redistricting that could cement GOP minority rule for the next decade after the Supreme Court ruled that federal courts had no jurisdiction over partisan gerrymanders. The Texas bill offers few details but is ultimately expected to include some version of reforms proposed by Texans for Lawsuit Reform, according to Gutierrez and news reports. The group released a lengthy report proposing a plan that would shrink the state's 14 court districts to seven, along with three other plans to reduce that number to just five. "We're fairly sure it will be one of those proposals, or something closely modeled there, and generally what people expect is taking the current composition of the court and reducing it, probably almost in half, to create these mega-districts where you would have maybe one Democrat. But the majority of those court of appeals districts would then become completely controlled by Republicans," Gutierrez said. https://www.salon.com/2021/04/02/texas-gop-moves-to-gerrymander-state-courts-after-democrats-sweep-key-judicial-elections/
  9. I think a lot of it is information overload coming from dark money keeping too much dumb shit flowing. Take Texas right now, instead of worrying about the power grid, or expanding medicaid (which is a monetary win for all) sensible gun control, and education and infrastructure, we are worried about a) non existent voter fraud and b) immigration. The fallout from 20+ years of republican governance is coming home to roost, and they trot out the same old trope that Trump did...and everybody gets up in arms. The media is all over these two topics, and the rest is floating away and won't be addressed meaningfully this session. So yeah, when the media and all are busy chasing down these "big" stories that Cruz and Abbott, et al, keep tossing out, it's pretty easy for these lowlife grifters to get by with their plays, because no one is paying attention. It's not that they don't care, but they are all worried too much about fixing the horrible things the 'ebil libs' have screwed up, too busy keeping communism at bay to deal with little petty things like county officials running multiple scams and sex trafficking out of their offices.
  10. I'm ecstatic about Beard coming on board as HC. But I am also a bit sad that we won't get to see what Royal could have done. I just have a feeling he might well have been lightning in a bottle. I hope he can stay in the pro game and give UT a strong link into the NBA. Royal, like so many of our former players are solid representatives on and off the court for The University. Solid class.
  11. It's well done. Here's the first article. Facts and well written without sounding like a thesis paper.
  12. I This looks good, but an uphill battle for google hits among all the other Lucids out there. I couldn't find a way to subscribe for the free editions? I'd rather not commit to something without having the option to read a few pieces first. I found the archives and if I'm doing this right, there's only one piece so far? https://lucid.substack.com/p/drain-the-swamp
  13. Yeah, I'd say Nixon launched that one. Reagan turned it into a nuclear class submarine.
  14. I would think if the GOP wanted some sacrificial lamb to send up in order to show they have morals, then Gaetz would be prime. But I have no doubts that if he's going down, he's taking everyone else down with him he has dirt on. Like Francisco's article from the DailyBeast above stated, no one wants to be seen as his buddy. But they also have know idea what he knows/has on everyone else. He's like mini-Trump to them.
  15. The Eagle is back to 7 day service. https://austin.culturemap.com/news/travel/03-30-21-amtraks-seven-day-a-week-service-in-austin-getting-back-on-track/
  16. Men in Kilts are some short fairly entertaining episodes about Scottish culture. Done by the two male leads of Outlander, they are like 20-30 minute shorts on food, music, sports, etc. There's a pretty good bit on the making of single malt scotch. My son for some reason has a fascination with Scotland. His mother bought some brick in a ruin in Scotland in his name, and now he's a honorary Lord of the Manor. He loves it.
  17. I'm not endorsing him for the UT job, but it got me to thinking about Kyle Keller at SFA. I know they were banned from the tourney this year and their conference tourney due to some shady stuff concerning APR. So I guess I wonder how much this effected his chances for any movement into coaching in bigger programs.
  18. I knew one of Goodnight's grandsons in Caldwell. They had (still have) some acreage west of Caldwell that has never been broken by plow of intentionally improved or touched chemically. I think it was like 2 or 3 acres. Pretty fascinating fellow to talk with. CSB time. I grew up knowing a retired school teacher who gave me a couple of trunks of books. Found out later her grandfather was D.R. Fant. Most haven't heard of him. I have several books of his with his signature in them. He was pretty well read. But then reading was all they could do.
  19. I can get behind most of the suggestions. The Centennial series was pretty much whitewashed with manifest destiny type talk. Somebody mentioned Little Big Horn and the Lakota/Souix. I'd add Trail of Tears and Wounded Knee. I found a Trail of Tears docudrama but it was so poorly done I just couldn't get into it. I wish some of these could get real money support to make some Band of Brothers quality product. Closer to home, I'd support a series on the 1900 Hurricane of Galveston and the city's moves afterwards to save itself.
  20. I'm surprised you don't know her! She's got 250 followers on Twitter. Seems like a really non bitchy person. 🙄
  21. Thing is, the ID is only necessary when voting in person. Not for mail in ballots. But in the last election if someone wanted to drop off a ballot and not mail it, then the actual voter needed to drop it off...with ID. Dumb.
  22. If HR6 goes through then there could be criminal penalties lodged against election workers. But I'm sure that won't have any effect on finding people to work polls. Especially Democrats working polls in Red held counties.
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