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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. I'm surprised you don't know her! She's got 250 followers on Twitter. Seems like a really non bitchy person. 🙄
  2. Thing is, the ID is only necessary when voting in person. Not for mail in ballots. But in the last election if someone wanted to drop off a ballot and not mail it, then the actual voter needed to drop it off...with ID. Dumb.
  3. If HR6 goes through then there could be criminal penalties lodged against election workers. But I'm sure that won't have any effect on finding people to work polls. Especially Democrats working polls in Red held counties.
  4. Da 5 Bloods. Netflix. One of Spike Lee's movies I really liked. Some plot holes but maybe not so much, considering things go down differently in Viet Nam than here in Texas.
  5. Da 5 Bloods is a Spike Lee movie that sends a squad of black guys back to Nam to recover the remains of a left behind buddy and some gold they had stashed away. It's well put together and has some pretty gory shots and a lot of dealing with the psychoses from serving in that war on both sides.
  6. But harassing voters while they stand in line to vote is just fine. Like Crenshaw's goons did at Reliant this past election. The issue I think is that the 100 ft limit on electioneering goes out the window when the line goes beyond the 100 ft. And with spacing during Covid season, it wasn't hard to fall out of the protection of that limit. We got several calls on this, Crenshaw's thugs acting like strikebreakers.
  7. This sounds good, but it's not that great here in rural Texas. The ID might be free, but it can be a pain in the ass for some of these folks. Elders who don't drive trying to get into the DPS office that is only open afternoons on Tuesdays and Thursdays....or is it Mon and Thursday? Then once they get there, they have to wait in line with all the people trying to get licenses. It's bullshit and designed to make it frustrating enough that people say fuck it. Now if they are truly married to the idea of such IDs, then they should have mobile units that cover the state like bloodmobiles to show up, set up and service people in these rural communities. Personally, I think the signature is more reliable than a number. Much more room for fraud if people start selling their numbers. The signature falls apart when someone can't make the same signature they did on the application. Strokes and accidents are examples. Texas election officials are allowed to go back to previous signature cards if available. Every election should be based on rank choice voting, IMO.
  8. It brought out in the open a lot of voter shit going on, and she is helping other states like Texas get the word out on voter protection and laws. She definitely did not go quiet into that good night.
  9. House Elections Committee The House Elections Committee had their weekly committee meeting yesterday and heard a couple of bills before bringing up HB 6 by Rep. Cain (R). Though he answered some questions from fellow committee members, the meeting was derailed after Rep. Cain refused to answer questions from Rep. Nicole Collier, the Chair of the Texas Legislative Black Caucus , who was not on the committee, a courtesy that is typically allowed. The Elections Committee has no Black members. After an awkward exchange and a brief recess, the committee came back and Rep. Cain announced that the committee hearing was ending due to an alleged procedural mistake and would be rescheduled “soon”, meaning that the 100+ voting rights advocates and citizens who drove in from around the state and had been waiting since 7AM would have to leave without being allowed to provide testimony. Watch that moment here Exchange starts around 57:00 Announcement is at 1:34:00 The Texas Democratic Party, Texas House Democrats, Texas Freedom Network, Texas Rising, the Texas Civil Rights Project, Common Cause Texas, the Children’s Defense Fund, and other allies worked together to quickly hold a Citizens Hearing and uplift the testimony that Republicans refused to hear (watch here). Though the public comment submission portal does not yet have HB 6 listed, when the committee notice is sent out, we do anticipate that it will have HB 6 listed and you will be able to again submit a public comment. Senate State Affairs Committee The committee is currently meeting right now (watch here) and are slated to hear the notorious SB 7 by Sen. Hughes (R) and SB 1340 by Sen. Buckingham (R). Though the committee still requires in-person testimony and in-person submission of public comment, you can still sign our petition here to let your legislators know that you oppose these bills.
  10. How old is this fuck? 12? They aren't bright enough to let a sleeping dog lie.
  11. That's a serious FAAFO post.
  12. I believe racism/white supremacy is something used to control the masses. To keep them divided. If they are blaming each other for their ills, then mission accomplished. I know a few long time border agents. Huge Trumpkins. Love to talk about their big guns and macho jobs. So yeah, I don't trust all of them when they make statements. Some yeah, but not all.
  13. Their not understanding that if you make life better for all, the economy flourishes. Yes, exactly. I'd start with all these anti/vaxxer Trump loving, assault weapon advocating, smoke rolling hicks around me. Fuck off with this. Just fuck off with it. So tired of the 'land of opportunity to succeed' chant. Not everyone can be multi-millionaires since money is a fixed asset. I'd definitely trade fewer multimillionaires for fewer homeless, impoverished and disenfranchised. I live in a small community of those boomers. They are some of the dumbest, greediest people I ever met. They have no chance of seeing things as they really are because Fox has them so brainwashed. I am here only to take care of my aging mother, and to move her would probably kill her. I am a late boomer, and it embarrasses me to see what my fellow generation has done to squander the good fortune this country had coming out of WW2. Other generations are weary of people at the peak of the money chain hoovering up money from below like there's no tomorrow. Tired of crooked politicians paving the way for such looting. And tired of morons like you too selfish or blind or ignorant to see the role you are playing for those uber wealthy, playing their lackeys, posting shite like this. They used the govt to line their pockets, now it's time for the govt to unline their pockets and put it back into the general population with lower healthcare and higher education costs, for a start. So yeah, the red govt broke these things, a blue govt can fix them. We got here because people like you were too dumb to see you were being conned. So why don't you be the one to take a seat for a while and let the adults fix the problems. See above rant. They broke the system to advantage their higher masters. Now they want to block any attempts to set the program right again.
  14. Briscoe Cain continues to fumble his way through this. Here's the link to sign the petition. https://progresstexas.actionkit.com/sign/petition-demand-republicans-end-their-attack-on-our-voting-rights?source=TDP
  15. Damnation FTW. Three episodes in and it keeps unfolding. For those who remember the Swede from Hell on Wheels, he's just as good in this one.
  16. They only want to stop those who aren't the best voters, are too dumb to vote. You know anyone who isn't white and male, or don't see the white male as the natural leaders in our country. Our school district will hire someone based on their ability to coach a sport, then stick them into some academic slot. Coaches are teaching art, English and other subjective topics. Coaches have a mindset of black and white, scoreboard. That's not a good fit for a lot of liberal arts classes. My son's senior English teacher has 12 years experience coaching girl's softball and none teaching English. That is definitely hiring with the wrong priorities you would think. But maybe overall it's not wrong. This school will have maybe only 15% go on to higher education opportunities. So athletics is what keeps many of the other 85% invested in school. Someone mentioned the Roman Empire. Our sports megaliths and the importance of them in our everyday life reminds me of the gladiators and the crowds in the colosseum. But this is where we have come, and it's been such a slow progression, it's become not only acceptable, but aspirational. Or infrastructure. Or mental health. Maybe give people a decent wage so they can stay home with their kids instead of having to work 2 or 3 jobs? Or giving stay at home moms some sort of valuation for their time in raising our next generation instead of ignoring it and only recognizing tangible things like work that contributes directly to the GNP. Or giving parents the hope that their kid can actually get out of the hood without sports, music or hustling. We suck as a society at teaching our kids about sex, relationships and parenting. But by the age of 8 I knew how to shoot a rifle. Like the war industry, a lot of people depend on others having fucked up personal lives. Counselors, preachers and lawyers come to mind. And when it aggregates to a societal level, then politicians get involved. The general suspicion is that no cancer cure, or cure for the common cold will be found, because too many people make money off of those ailments. Same for this. Same for war machines.
  17. I wonder how much different these figures would be if our governor and lege didn't refuse so much federal aid. Gov. Greg Abbott rejects aid from Biden administration in dispute over coronavirus testing for migrants https://www.texastribune.org/2021/03/04/greg-abbott-joe-biden-immigrants-testing/ And in the past, they have opted us out of fed funds for healthcare, education and others, just to appear strong or some shit. All it did was hurt the citizens, but no one points that out. Dumbasses elected by dumber asses. Like already mentioned, see how our power grid did standalone to get an idea about our social programs.
  18. I didn't say he did every fucking thing right, or even for the right reason. But he sure as hell did a lot more right than Trump did. Point is he did wrong and everyone on both sides are calling him out. When Trump did wrong, only one side called him out, ever. No they use Cuomo as an example of how both sides are evil, so it's ok my side is evil too.
  19. Yes, there was talk that Cuomo should be president. That was at the initial point where Covid was digging into NYC and he actually took action and did things based on the scientific advice. If the man in the Oval Office would have actually led the country instead of pretending it would go away, then maybe Cuomo wouldn't have gotten near as much play. But instead he got attention filling the void left by Trump. He should definitely step down for various reasons. At the same time if he steps down for the Covid situation, then Patrick should step down for suggesting in interviews that those over 65 should bite the bullet for the sake of their grandkids' economy. But he's not a democrat, so he was right. Fuck all you Trump and GOP apologists for trying to justify the amoral acts done by the GOP in the past decade by pulling a bothsiderism. It's like pretending a seesaw will balance with a mouse on one end and a red elephant on the other.
  20. Then make the mofo non partisan. Just do it Dems. They'd sure as hell do it to you.
  21. The only issue I have with this is when one of these fuckers gets the Covid bad enough to be disabled and a long hauler for months (or maybe ever), then don't use any tax dollars on their treatment or general welfare. This is the risk they are taking, and there's no need the rest of us need to pay the consequences if that risk goes south.
  22. This is totally expected from the gooners. Can't get the video to imbed. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/oklahoma-diner-coronavirus-shot_n_6052f9bec5b672d709819d38
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