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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sabalo

  1. Cool, I stand corrected. https://247sports.com/player/amarius-mims-46079928/
  2. Bobby's show with Eric should be an interesting listen this week.
  3. Why use 1 parking spot when you can take 4.
  4. Sabalo


  5. I'm confused. The past six weeks we've seen more off topic bs on the recruiting board than at any time since we moved over from the old site, but discussing a coach on the coaching thread is penalty box worthy?
  6. I am embarrassed to admit I has a subscription to the Athletic, which was putting out some good articles at the time. I cancelled it the day they partnered with Texags and made sure they knew why I cancelled.
  7. I'm sure Williams going to Miami for their game with 8and4feit is too much to ask.
  8. I don't usually neg posts, but when I do it it's always dumbass posts like this.
  9. Finally caught up with this thread after Wednesday's craziness. To the few of you who left even a few thoughts unexpressed, thank you.
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