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  1. Congrats Team... You guys played your asses off tonight. Thank You for a great season. Love you all.
  2. Then this shit is rigged. Hell, even if the Knicks win it.
  3. Because I'm sick of losing and all the negative crap related to not winning.
  4. All this talk of USC sucks, and let's wait until the season unfolds, fuck that. Enjoy this tonight. After the first 2 weeks, this dominating win against a #22 team feels good. Worry about TCU come next week. No, we are not back but who gives a fuck. To those still negative tonight, fuck off and suck a dick. Especially @Zepol87
  5. https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/04/politics/masterpiece-colorado-gay-marriage-cake-supreme-court/index.html Washington (CNN)The Supreme Court ruled narrowly in favor of a Colorado baker who refused to bake a cake to celebrate the marriage of a same sex couple because of a religious objections. The ruling was 6-2.
  6. Scored 9 runs after I started watching, so I'll take credit for this one. And no one can say otherwise...because you can't reply.
  7. Much has been said/written about Coach Marion's Go-go offense. There seem to be some very interesting wrinkles in it that look at first glance to be right up Texas' alley, starting with an abundance of good, fast RBs to deploy in the scheme, as well as what we think is a ditto in the receivers room. How do you see it as a possibility for us to use, either sparingly or full-bore? Or not at all, for that matter?
  8. Everybody clear on that? Good, now that we all agree... The game just changed, folks. Does the University of Texas even have the stomach to play ball anymore? I don't think so.* *I reserve the right to change my mind if/when Urban is hired.
  9. Is this gonna be on tapa?
  10. Only made it to #3 this year, gotta do some work to knock off the champs over at tigerdroppings.com Made texags our bitch though. https://messageboardgeniuses.com/2020/12/22/top-5-college-football-message-boards-of-2020
  11. Gentleman, with OkSt’s win tonight, we control our own path to the big xii ccg. Beat ISU. Win the Big 12. Let’s fucking do this. Hook em and fuck ou.
  12. TXs

    WE DEM

  13. Anyone handy and knowledgeable about such things? My son (10) is interested in cars and engineering and also tearing around the ranch. But I'm cheap. I want something that will last until he gets interested in girls and doesn't have time for his old man anymore. Then I can drove it. What's the way to go? Buy a used yerf dog spiderbox? (But spare parts a probem?) Are modern coleman or gy6 the way to go? I don't have any dreams about putting a 400cc engine or whatever. Keeping it 150, max maybe a harbor freight predator 212. I'm not super handy, but fixing flats and adjusting cables and cleaning carbs might be a fun experience to share.
  14. Domedriver

    Go Navy!

    Beat the ever living fuck out of the Irish! just putting this here for Saturday and for my father who past last year. Annapolis Class of ‘46. i hate ND with the heat of a million H-Bombs!
  15. Over the last ten years, the standout teams are Bama, Georgia, and Clemson. Only Clemson was led by an Offense-centric coach. But Dabo had Venables running his D and stealing signs. Can PK become Venablesque? If not, Sark is going to be Mack 2.0. Not that it's horrible, but like Mack, only a super QB will take him - and us - to the mountain top. Maybe we've got Superman... maybe not. PM Lincoln Riley and ask him how well that works without a D... granted, PK>>>Grinch, but 2022 Bama and 2023 OU say Hi. Yes, ideally your team has both O and D, but it looks like great D with at least middling O is better than great O with at least middling D.
  16. (But unironically) The governor of Oregon has declared an emergency in the city of Portland a few years after the state became the first in the nation to largely decriminalize drug use. Oregon paved the way as the first state to decriminalize drug use, passing Measure 110 in 2020. Instead of incarcerating drug users, the measure focused on addiction and recovery, with Portland police officers hand out citations for public drug use. People can have a chance for treatment and have their fines waived if they contact specific rehabilitation services, but calling that hotline is voluntary. "We've had three years of this law that has not delivered on the promise that voters thought they were getting," Washington County district attorney Kevin Barton said. The hope was that a more humane approach would help curb addiction in the state, which saw nearly a thousand accidental overdose deaths in 2022. However, overdose deaths have continued to rise since 2020…. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/oregon-officials-declare-fentanyl-state-emergency-amid-rising-overdoses/ar-BB1hynFo
  17. The team is more than talented enough to do it. We’re going to have at least two very tough games ahead but I think we will be the better team in each of those games. Finish 10-2, better than I think most would’ve thought.
  18. I gave him grief for the Ark game, but credit where it’s due, he won on the road in a place where it’s hard for Texas to win.
  19. I know you fuckers did this without me last year, and on one hand I was thankful to see people enjoyed it enough to carry on without me and on the other hand- what the fuck dudes? Did anyone even pour one out for me? Huck is in if he wants in, obviously, b/c he runs the numbers and makes the whole thing 100 X more fun than it otherwise would be and he's awesome. And- I think he finally is the defending champion so that always was a thing in the past that the guy who wants to defend his title can. Big Orange is in if he wants in b/c he's the bank, usually, if he's ok with that. Me- I brought the concept and the idea- and I put up the thread and run the draft damn it. So that's 3. Got room for 5 more of you guys, first come first serve unless I think you suck and will make this less fun to do for the next three weeks in which case I will tell you so and we will ignore first come first serve. So basically it's the no Homers club (but his name is homer... Exactly we already have our Homer, no Homer(S)- if you've ever seen that Simpsons, which is awesome).
  20. @VolenteHawk Just put a pile of money on Texas over 7.5. what looks good? Saw KU is 1.5. How sad.
  21. I just don’t see this team laying down like a dog. Asses are being chewed. They’ll come out and find a way to win.
  22. Pretty sure that was the 200th Texas win vs prior & current SEC. Prior defined as wins during their SEC existence. GTech & Tulane being the priors. Overall 200-91 if my data sources are accurate. 68.7%. Texas needs to continue scheduling OOC with these clowns.
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