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  1. There’s a never ending thunderstorm in Central Iowa. We were up 7-0. Our offense looks legit. Find out Saturday, I guess.
  2. Been watching this fairly frequently because it's on Netflix and my kids love slime and the theme song. So many good one liners and nuances from Bill Murray. But probably my favorite line is when Winston says "I've seen shit that make your skin turn white" to a room full of white guys.
  3. We ARE, WERE, Might BE TEXAS. Most complete game we've played around here in years. Sam really tightened things up. CJ just fucking went out there and ball, big boy style all day. He made some money today, scouts have to drool over today's tape. And, that defense is a Big 12 championship worthy group. Those freshmen DBs are so special. And, Herman can legitimately say they finished, what a great drive to cap it. I can't wait for October 6 looking forward to traveling to Dallas.
  4. The heiress Abigail Disney has a net worth of $120 million
  5. https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/crews-investigating-potential-hazardous-materials-at-clements-state-office-building-downtown-austin-incident-traffic-alert-austin-fire-department-special-operations-austin-travis-county-ems-report-west-15th-street# Lots of emergency vehicles in the area
  6. 6 wins bitches!! Pop the champagne and let’s go! Just kidding, that was a shitty fucking game.
  7. Now we’re building underwater levees to slow salt water progression up the Mississippi River. And daily bringing 36 million gallons of fresh water daily at the water treatment sites. And bottles water for residents. Mother Nature doesn’t want that city to exist. I’m not seriously arguing to abandon New Orleans and its citizens but there is something to be said about letting the environment reclaim a natural balance to some extent.
  8. Huge rains have 70K people stuck in mud. Nutters are starting to spread stories about an ebola outbreak and the feds fencing everyone in. This guy is likely a lot more factually accurate than her, but doesn't have the tits:
  9. Dropped today on MAX. They used to call it HBO but that was too popular. Worthy of it's own thread. Behold the defiler!
  10. Prenote: Anyone can use this thread to provide random information about the misc goings on in their life I'll go back to last Thursday to start, before I jump to today, soon after I woke up I realized that I couldn't pee. I felt like I wanted to pee, but nothing came out. A few hours into this I called my Urologist, and the office said I could get an appointment the first week of December, which didn't seem like it would really be helpful but they could have a nurse call me back and so I went onto that list. By about 10:30 I was in Urgent Care, and they really couldn't tell me anything, so I got an anti-biotic prescription called and they said go to the ER if you are still in pain (actually more like pressure, a lot of pressure). Thankfully the nurse called back and they could see me just after 3pm, now this is about 10 hours after I had woken up and still no more than 2-3 drips at a time, and I try to pee like every 10 minutes. So we get to the Urologist office (short sidebar - at least I wasn't in manacles and leg chains, like 2 older guys who were there with Corrections officers - and the nurse ultrasounds by bladder and says it is over 1 liter and they will put in a catheter. Well she can't get the first catheter past the blockage to my bladder, so she goes off for the 2nd catheter and to let the doctor in the office know we are having problems. Thankfully the 2nd catheter gets almost all of the way in, not far enough to inflate the balloon, but enough to start to drain the urine. And that was almost instant relief, and with the lessor stress on the bladder she and her aide are able to get the balloon inflated and a successful insertion of my new best friend - Mr Catheter. Total urine that they were able to drain (yes they measured) was just over 1200 milliliters (1.2 liters or just over 40 ozs for those of you non-metric centric types) Jump to today, after seeing my Urologist on Monday, they finally got back to me this morning and I am now scheduled to have a prostate resection on Tuesday afternoon. I've been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate for about 10 year, had 3 biopsies (all cancer free), and been on medicine for almost 2 years (FloMax). My Dr said if it all goes well it will take 2-3 days to recover and be back to peeing by myself, and if there are complications it can be 2-3 weeks and include getting a new Mr. Catheter. Things to know - if you are of an older age (and really you will know when it is you), then you need to have a urologist, so there is someone to call when you have a problem. Otherwise, I'd have had to talk to someone I'd never met about having this procedure. I'm not going to lie, having a prostate biopsy is no walk in the park - they are shooting a needle into your prostate with a device that they shove up your ass. No anesthesia, no drinks, no bullet; maybe just a mild numbing agent. And then you piss & shit (and cum) blood for a day or more. But then you will, maybe, know if you have prostate cancer. - it hurts when you pee then you have a problem; what I found out is that it can hurt to not pee. - a catheter is by no means a modern device, and the elastic straps with little buttons that are supposed to keep in place must have been invented in the 1930's. If you need a cath, look at buying some velco straps to hold it into place or a sleeve for you leg as a bag holder (I don't know how well this work, as I don't have the ones I ordered yet) But most importantly #GoGreen beat Michigan (I mean let's keep thing in perspective tl:dr - Wally is old, can't pee right, is having surgery but had 2 young women working on his junk last week
  11. I won’t claim to know anything of substance about their politics or culture but looks like gas price hikes have caused some unrest.
  12. So, what's going on here? Seems like it's rising everywhere, but Austin is especially hard hit. This year seems to be trending with last year. There have already been seven murders in January, including a guy who allegedly shot two people around noon in the West Anderson area: https://mailchi.mp/austintexas.gov/apd-news-releasehomicide-investigation-at-7797-burnet-rd "On Saturday, January 22, 2022, at approximately 11:47 a.m., 9-1-1 received a call of a double shooting that had just occurred in the parking lot of 7797 Burnet Rd. APD officers, along with Austin-Travis County EMS, arrived on the scene and discovered two men with life-threatening injuries. Despite lifesaving measures, both men succumbed to their injuries and were pronounced deceased at 11:55 a.m. by Dr. Escott." "Through investigation, homicide detectives came into contact with Yong Yoon Kim. Kim called 9-1-1 and advised that he had gotten into an altercation with two men and shot them in self-defense. Multiple eyewitnesses on scene gave contrary accounts of the shooting. Kim was charged with Capital Murder, arrested, and booked into the Travis County jail. He is currently being held with no bond." Obviously something has to be going on regarding the upheaval and stress of the pandemic. But is that it? Even accounting for population, the rate is still much, much higher.
  13. Executive welcomes high gas prices, as he thinks it'll grow their worker pool.
  14. https://www.espn.com/tennis/story/_/id/33826453/tennis-great-boris-becker-sentenced-2-1-2-years-prison-bankruptcy-offenses
  15. https://news.yahoo.com/black-lives-matter-suspends-online-185305692.html Black Lives Matter suspended online fundraising on Wednesday after attorneys general in California and Washington state asked the group to submit delinquent financial disclosures for 2020, according to a report. A Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) spokesperson told the Washington Examiner, which first reported the move, that the group takes “these matters seriously” and has “taken immediate action.” “We have immediately engaged compliance counsel to address any issues related to state fundraising compliance,” the spokesperson said. “In the interim, we have shut down online fundraising as we work quickly to ensure we are meeting all compliance requirements.” The group shut down its fundraising one day after the Washington Examiner published a letter from California Attorney General Rob Bonta telling BLMGNF that it was prohibited from soliciting or disbursing funds because of its failure to submit an annual report for the 2020 tax year. In the letter, which was dated January 31, Bonta threatened to hold individual leaders personally liable for late fees. Washington demanded BLM “immediately cease” all fundraising activities there on January 5. The group said at the close of 2020 that after raising $90 million, spending $8.4 million in operating expenses and distributing $21.7 million in grants to 33 other organizations, it closed the year with $60 million. The group was not officially registered as a charity with the IRS until late 2020, according to the report. It has previously funneled donations through other liberal charities. Meanwhile, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita has sounded alarms over BLM’s refusal to answer basic questions about its finances and operations. “It appears that the house of cards may be falling, and this happens eventually with nearly every scam, scheme, or illegal enterprise,” the Republican attorney general told the Washington Examiner. “I see patterns that scams kind of universally take: failure to provide board members, failure to provide even executive directors, failure to make your filings available. It all leads to suspicion.” Rokita did not confirm or deny that his office is investigating BLM but said the paper’s reporting on the group has “certainly” caused his office to be concerned. The group’s charity registration is also out of compliance in Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Virginia, according to the report. BLM has not publicly named anyone to oversee its estimated $60 million bankroll since co-founder Patrisse Cullors resigned in May, the Washington Examiner reported. No one Cullors named to replace her ever came to an agreement with the internal leadership council, making it unclear who is in charge. Cullors resigned from her post as executive director of Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, a role she has held for more than five years, amid questions about her finances, according to Fox News. She faced backlash after the revelation that she bought four homes for more than $3 million in recent years. However, she told the Associated Press at the time that she was leaving her post to focus on other projects, including the release of her second book and a television deal with Warner Bros. She said that her departure was planned for more than a year and was unrelated to any controversies over her personal finances. “Those were right-wing attacks that tried to discredit my character, and I don’t operate off of what the right thinks of me,” Cullors said. The organization has received criticism for its extremist views, including Cullors’s 2015 admission that she and her fellow co-founders are “trained Marxists.” “I actually do think we have an ideological frame. We are trained Marxists,” Cullors said.
  16. I was trying to cut over from Dean Keaton to MLK on San Jacinto then tried Robert Deadman around 10:30 this morning Both streets are blocked off by DPS, Fire and EMS etc.....
  17. This shit has me laughing so hard but couldn't find the JPP thread(if one was even created here).
  18. They kept it together longer than we did, but it seems like the Dutch are flaking out now too. At least they have easy access to drugs. The situation across the Netherlands remained tense but without major unrest on Tuesday night after three nights of violence in protest against the government's implementation of tough restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Police took to the streets of towns and cities across the country to prevent violent rioting, while businesses closed early and shops boarded up. On Tuesday when the 9 p.m. curfew went into effect, rowdy crowds of youths gathered in Amsterdam and Hilversum, but were broken up without incident. In Rotterdam, 33 people were detained for violating social distancing regulations and vandalism. That was in stark contrast to Monday night, when rioting rocked cities across the country and more than 180 people were arrested for burning vehicles, stone-throwing and widespread looting. https://www.dw.com/en/netherlands-tensions-high-after-nights-of-covid-lockdown-riots/a-56355415?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email
  19. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/02/07/oan-trump-network-11-hours-466134 TL;DR. Without Trump steering eyeballs their way via Twitter (and without him in the Oval) they are running out of topics to cover.
  20. Posting this in DT because it maybe won't get ate up with political pissbagging? Maybe? Anyway, Peru impeached their president and some people are upset. The protests were sparked by Monday’s dramatic and unexpected vote to impeach Mr Vizcarra, who stood accused of corruption relating to his time as a regional governor. He denied the charges but, using a vaguely-worded clause in the constitution, members of congress voted overwhelmingly to remove him on the grounds of “permanent moral incapacity”. Hours later, Mr Vizcarra quit. Usually, his job would go to the vice-president, but Mr Vizcarra had no deputy, the consequence of previous battles between the executive and congress. The post instead passed to the house speaker, Mr Merino, a relatively unknown and unremarkable career politician, who was sworn in as Peru’s unlikely president the next day. https://www.ft.com/content/8b933864-f7fb-4f0e-9f40-dc0ff522ea45
  21. For work. Not because he’s crazy. well, maybe for both. http://www.justjared.com/2020/09/23/tom-cruise-is-heading-to-space-in-october-2021-for-new-movie/ It looks like Tom Cruise is officially heading to space! The Space Shuttle Almanac took to Twitter on Monday (September 21) to share a photo of spacecrafts and countries set to launch from in the next three years. Under the October 2021 part, the chart reads “SpaceX Crew Dragon,” with an image of a small space vehicle beside it. Next to the illustration are a list of three names: “SpaceX Pilot Lopez Alegria, Tourist 1 Tom Cruise and Tourist 2 Doug Liman.” The tourist flight also shows a vacant spot for a third visitor. Doug Liman is the director attached to the movie. Back in May, it was announced that Tom had teamed up with Elon Musk and Space X to film as movie in outer space, and NASA confirmed news that talks were happening between them all. As of right now, it is unclear whether the October 2021 is just a preliminary one of Tom and Dougto scope out space for the movie or if they will be filming at that point. You can check out the Space Shuttle Almanac’s tweet here!
  22. Some kinda coup. Where is Guinea? The Caribbean? The fate of Guinea's President Alpha Condé is unclear after an unverified video showed him surrounded by soldiers, who said they had seized power. They appeared on national TV claiming to have dissolved the government. However, the defence ministry said the attempted takeover had been thwarted by the presidential guard. This follows hours of heavy gunfire near the presidential palace in the capital, Conakry. UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres and the African Union have condemned the apparent coup and demanded the immediate release of President Condé. The West African country of Guinea is rich in natural resources but years of unrest and mismanagement mean it is one of the world's poorest countries. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-58453778 ETA They're in Africa. Did not know that.
  23. South Africa didn’t want to be left out of the protest and riot games. The new president arrested the old president and kicked off widespread unrest. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_South_Africa_unrest Civilians have taken up arms against the rioters as the police have told them they are on their own Videos are all over Twitter and YouTube Lady rocking the gauge Wild times
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