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Certifiably Surly
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8,514 Surly 1%


  • Birthday May 14


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    Confusionist Supreme

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  1. Never did get to see aggy sprig game yesterday, how hilarious was it? Is this their year, or next year? Is the sleeping giant still sleeping? Inquiring minds and what not... Did the milkmen frolic in water?
  2. You're raising them tight SULH.
  3. Thank you sir...in other words, 3rd tier unwatchable shit...
  4. Darned sure don't need creosote in the house either.
  5. Too much water, finishing waaay too long.
  6. "What the fuck is wrong with you people"?
  7. Is aggy having a spring game this year? I can't find it on any of the satellite listings.
  8. This^^^ right here, damn man, what the hell was he thinking?
  9. This^^^I've gotten to where I can't eat ANY pizza without crushed red pepper.
  10. Well hell Hero, you got any friends in Methlahoma that could help you out?
  11. Sounds purty skeered too mee.
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