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Everything posted by billfromlaketravis

  1. DeMeco finally gets the balls to go for it, and Tunsil jumps. Texan's chef's kiss.
  2. I look forward to watching the College Station season of Money Heist on Netflix.
  3. I'm sure Silver will step in and squash it, and the Spurs pick Wemby over Pop after the season.
  4. Callon still exists. You could have fooled me.
  5. I picked up a bottle of STFB for $229. It's a proof I like.
  6. A couple recent tries at the breakfast belt: Einstein's green chile bagel toasted + garden salsa spread + egg + bacon Chick-fil-A spicy chicken biscuit + add egg + douse with Tex Pete The spicy chicken biscuit was incredible. Coffee was good too. Both sandwiches would have worked much better with a fried egg, but they don't have a griddle. I think I'll grab one and then fry an egg at home next time.
  7. He’ll get a jump from 247. Best QB in their all star game. I get he goes from a 90 to 95. aggy will of course that Miles O’Neill is better and faced tougher competition in NJ against future Bard College intramural all stars.
  8. Yeah I can do the math on that one. Stick to ER17.
  9. Feels like a nothing burger. We already know Trump and Clinton are in the documents. Whomever is holding up the story is just making it worse for themselves.
  10. Knives Out is on there. I don't understand why this film was so acclaimed. It's not a mystery or a thriller. The twist is dumb and telegraphed from the very beginning of the movie. It's devoid of memorable performances. Daniel Craig just can't get there. Ana de Armas doesn't do anything interesting the entire movie expect for the doe eyes thing. It's a better movie with a lot more Christopher Plummer being a grumpy, yet charming asshole.
  11. I'd probably rank The Shield 3rd on my Goggins Mount Rushmore. 1) Justified 2) Vice Principals 3) The Shield 4) Baby Billy
  12. Ah yes. 3 liquor stores for a city of 232k people. Makes perfect sense when you put it that way.
  13. I agree with the house money sentiments. We got a bad draw, had a chance to steal it, but it didn't happen. Moving on.
  14. What's a good price for SFTB? And if somebody could point me in the direction I'd appreciate it.
  15. The Texans are our only hope now.
  16. A welcome pick me up this morning. Merry belated Christmas.
  17. Yeah that’s a nice pour. Hook ‘em!
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