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Everything posted by Hmbre97

  1. People who call their wife "bride". "My bride wanted xxxxx" or "Took my bride to the movies", etc... Just typing those makes my blood boil a little.
  2. This is why a lot of former conservatives (like myself) have moved away from the current iteration the GOP party of today. You can't answer the income equality question because truthfully, you don't see it as an issue. The party has become a toxic brew of people who only give a shit about themselves and how can the party benefit me at the expense of the rest of the country. You've made it clear in your last few posts that your stance is "I've got mine, too bad for everyone else" and that thinking is going to sink this country. You're part of the problem, not part of the solution.
  3. This is peak GOP. The ol bootstrap argument. Just incredibly dumb.
  4. Ok, so they don't have a plan. Got it. Alright, let's move on to climate change. How does the GOP plan to address that? How about healthcare? What is the GOP platform stance on reining in healthcare costs? How do they plan to address our aging infrastructure in this country? Where does the GOP stand on that?
  5. So what part of the GOP platform addresses wealth inequality? How do they plan to tackle this obvious problem?
  6. Won't someone please think of the 600k dead americans businesses? Like human life, they are gone forever and nothing will never ever take their place. All of those mourning families business owners, greiving the loss of their loved ones artisan candle shops/tattoo shops/salons. If only we could have had someone like Dan Patrick in charge to keep those businesses humming along, keeping us from being temporarily inconvenienced at the minor expense of dead people who will be dead forever, never to return. Like my dear grandpa always said "I'd sooner die than not be able to get my hair cut at the local Cost Cutters and eat my Chili's baby back ribs IN the restaurant rather than taking them home. Give me dine-in or give me death". That was his creed.
  7. We used paint balls but since all of us were too poor for a paintball gun, we bought slingshots. Then when we got old enough to drive, we would drive around in a buddies truck and fire water balloons out the back with a 3 man slingshot. Kids are assholes
  8. Stopped to get food at a local viet place and they had a sign on the door saying something to the affect 'We know CDC doesn't require vaccinated persons to wear masks indoors but we have no way of knowing who is and isn't vaccinated so we will be continuing to ask that masks be worn inside until further notice'. Other than that, it's been nice going out most places sans mask. Only other place I still have to wear a mask is our data center but it goes back in the pocket once I'm in the cage.
  9. Same here except skydiving. Fuck that too. If I encounter anything remotely high, my balls retract into my stomach but oddly enough, I'm cool with airplanes.
  10. Anyone else have cheese toast at school? We always had it in the cafeteria for breakfast. It is a piece of toast with a kraft single on top, sprinkle some sugar on top of the cheese, then broil it until the cheese starts to melt. I rarely got to school early enough for breakfast but this was my go-to when I did.
  11. I'd rather have vienna sausages than that garbage. I love salty foods but that shit turns it up to 11.
  12. My dad would always request spaghetti pie when we'd have leftover spaghetti. It was literally just spaghetti with meat sauce put into a pie crust. I fucking hated it because it was so bready and starchy. We also ate a lot of hot dog themed dishes because poor. My favorite was cut up hotdogs fried up with diced potatoes and onions/bell peppers. Shit was good with some ketchup on top.
  13. I thought Cyber Ninjas was one of those strip mall franchises that teaches kids to code?
  14. Republicans know what it's like to be a woman dating on the internet now. You go out looking for meaningful connections and just get a bunch of dick pics instead.
  15. I think the most telling is no increase in foot traffic anywhere which means the DGAF crowd was already out and the rest of the sane people kept following their normal routine. Had a feeling that's how it would shake out until more people got vaccinated. Removing the mandate was more about throwing his base a bone and drawing attention away from their epic fuckups with the power grid.
  16. Yes, clearly it's the teachers fault for wanting to stay alive during a pandemic. Besides, those families just need to pull on their bootstraps harder. It's definitely not years of stagnant wage growth and growing income inequality brought on by bad economic policy (any day now, it'll start trickling, I'm sure of it). It's inconceivable that we'd put policy in place to help these people. Smells too much like socialism. Wait what? Spend money to provide additional funding to these school districts to overcome these hurdles? Not in my 'muricah!
  17. Or you could just try not being a bitch and use it as a teaching moment for your children that life has adversities and how to handle difficult situations. Sure, there are kids who have legit learning disabilities that it surely didn't help but the only people I know who are saying their kids couldn't handle virtual learning are the same people railing against mask policies and "tyranny". Kids are little sponges. If as a parent you are openly criticizing virtual learning and complaining about schools being closed, your child is going to pick up on it and the outcome will not be positive.
  18. The sweet, sweet irony of someone saying this while bitching since last year about having to wear masks during a pandemic of a highly communicable airborne disease is.... just...
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