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Everything posted by Nightfly

  1. A tired-looking Martin is back on the air, assessing damage, and taking calls https://www.htv10.tv/livestream.
  2. He did an update yesterday on YouTube and hope he streams there when things get real.
  3. Do you think we'll have Jeff chasin' 'cane this weekend?
  4. Is this the same Zak who was interviewed on this morning's NYT Daily podcast?
  5. Nightfly


    Same. It's a great beginning-to-end type of CD for a trip to the beach or outside. And by that I mean the the Skunk records one with Get Out! as track 2 and the other random bits they couldn't include on the reissues due to licensing. I was at a 311 show with No Doubt opening up (which was weird, because at the time No Doubt had way more MTV play). Gwen Stefani told us all that Bradly had just died.
  6. Ha! That and how the players spell their last names. Somewhat related, do you guys know if there is still an in-stadium radio frequency to listen to the game when you at the game or tailgating nearby? One without a radio delay?
  7. Ahh good point. Mooreland and Swindell are very solid. Craig piped for backup works for me!
  8. I don't know why they don't pipe the radio audio in for the LHN broadcasts. That would be perfect for me.
  9. Started on Shoestring a few weeks ago. The abandoned building/stealth camping/bushcraft algos must have brought it up. I like it. Not too much in the way of thrills or slick production. Just an intimate portrait of a different type of life with a good degree of honesty, freedom, and simplicity. It looks like he has relocated to Alaska most recently.
  10. It's no so much the overall (very low) rate as the graphic shows, but the fact that most of the cases come from specific group. In this case <40 year old females. I'd be okay to pause this specific vaccine to this specific demographic, but keep them going to all others.
  11. They are fun pedals and wish I hadn't sold my basic Boss looper (you know caddy, a jock). Great for practicing to chord voicings. A lot more challenging to loop a phrase in time or in a live situation. Fun fact, Brad Fiedel's original Terminator soundtrack is ever so slightly off time because of the manual way loops were done (similar to a pedal). Great article about this https://slate.com/culture/2014/02/the-time-signature-of-the-terminator-score-is-a-mystery-for-the-ages.html
  12. I heard this too and was confused at the whole "off the field incidents" part. Why mention it if you aren't going to tell us what that is?
  13. Wow, the moment of silence on Walking in The Snow and the acapella afterward. Very cool and powerful moment.
  14. Now that is awesome. For me, my pops van with Jensen Triaxl's blaring VH II when I was a little kid. The treble was absolutely deafening.
  15. The split with Kemal is sort of sad. There was a 10-12 episode series on iTunes called "The Jerky Boys podcast" a few years back with Johnny Brennan (the main guy). It's great and worth repeated listens. But the last one is a Q and A and someone asks about Kemal. Johnny talks about how the last time he saw Kemal he was holding his baby daughter and now (at the time) she was in high school. I guess common when money and success kills a friendship. Big Hock of the Bayside Raiders. Oh you mean the Cornwall Dragons?
  16. I saw that. He was also at a gas pump that was dispensing at a tenth-of-a-cent-per-second rate. He's a national treasure.
  17. Too tough with the kids to do it in the family truckster?
  18. Had a feeling this would be the case. November should still be a good time of the year for it.
  19. Are there estimates on how bright the supernova would be as viewed from earth? Read-a-book-at-night type levels?
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