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Gil Bang

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gil Bang

  1. Kris taught literature at West Point. Wait until "Coach" hears about that. Fucking West Point was woke in the 60's.
  2. that fucking latest Adam Sandler Bat Mitzvah is the biggest piece of fucking shit this side of a Christopher Nolan movie, and it's ratings were stupid high. I knew something was up.
  3. #209 Posted 9 minutes ago Not really sure how you thought or think I am disparaging ANYONE that chooses to join the military. where the fuck did that come from?
  4. Counterpoint: unemployment is very low in this country. Lots of young folks, like my son, join because they want to serve their country. But, lots also join because it's the best job that they have any hope of getting. A couple grand a month, 3 meals a day, and a roof over your head looks pretty good to somebody from an economically depressed area. And, as much complaining as there is about military housing, for some folks, military housing is the nicest house that they've ever lived in
  5. Shit, Private Eyes can get a video of him assfucking an underage towel boy, and he'll still beat Doug Jones by 30 points because Alabama is a state filled with assholes.
  6. I've never had gay sex, but if I did have gay sex, and I had it with Barack Obama, I'm guessing I would have called him "Barry" as most of his friends did.
  7. I remember when National Lampoon had "Children's letters to Penthouse Forum". "I'm no John C. Holmes, but my 2 1/2 weiner was at full attention..."
  8. The GF's son is Air National Guard, former active USAF. He's been in the Guard several years. His unit got called up and he's headed to Okinawa for 3 months. He's got a great job, and this is going to cost him a ton of dough. Meanwhile, my kid is heading to the sandbox at the end of the month.
  9. I was listening last week to a replay. They were in Miami and the boys were all walking to lunch or dinner or something. Ronnie and Wolfie were ahead of the others, and came upon a pile of dogshit. Ronnie predicted that JD would step in the dogshit. JD stepped in the dogshit. I laughed my ass off.
  10. I'm getting Nebraska shit too.
  11. A friend of mine lives nearby, but it's a very rural area. She's a single woman and doesn't really have any family. Her neighborhood suffers from low water pressure, so she has a booster pump. At the street, there's a main shutoff, with a backflow device. About 30 feet away is the booster pump. The district water feeds the pump, and the pump boosts the pressure. At the pump, there's another backflow device, right where the water comes out of the pump. That device is plastic and is leaking. I cannot find a replacement. I'm racking my brain, and cannot figure out why it's necessary. I get the backflow at the main line, but why at the pump as well? If I could eliminate the leaky backflow, it would be quick and easy to fix the leak forever.
  12. You should block where the rafters meet the top plate.
  13. When he hits guys in open space and they take it for a big game, he doesn't deserve credit?
  14. We drove through one in Daytona. What a disappointment.
  15. Sark is a good guy, and I really want him to succeed.
  16. I was with a woman, "M" for 5 years before this one, and I've been with this one for 12. Anyway, M had a daughter that was 6 or so at the time. It's christmas season, and M wants to go to Michael's, because she's going to do some craft shit for her family. On the way to Michael's, we stop for breakfast. We wander around Michael's for a very long time. At some point, I ask the kid, "N", "honey, are you hungry?". She says yes. M says "we just had breakfast". I replay "THAT WAS 5 HOURS AGO". And it was. 5 fucking hours in Michael's.
  17. "He was lining up his asshole, and the potato hit him RIGHT IN THE FUCKING EYE"
  18. I was really surprised to read how tight he and Paul were. I didn't expect that. Paul seems to get along with everybody, but it still seemed a bit strange. and Darryl Hall.
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