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Everything posted by hullabelew

  1. LOVE that color on the Suhr. I used to have a 67 GMC pickup that was about that color.
  2. In Atlanta, they have a benefit called 500 Songs for Kids. This is the 25th year. 500 Bands, each playing 1 song. Garage bands, solo folks, bands made up of families, young kids, regional touring acts and usually a couple of big name folks. 50 bands a night over 10 nights. Once you get accepted they assign you a song and slot. There isn't a roster of who is playing when.....just show and and see you get to see. GREAT way to discover new local and regional bands. Past big names: Butch Walker, Angie Aparo, Janelle Monae, Drivin-n-Cryin, Cee Lo Green, and many more. I play in this one group and we only play one time a year. It is for this event. We all learn the song, then practice one night together, then show up at the bar. This year, I don't think we are going to get to practice before the show. I've never met this drummer or bass player. At the show, you have to pick from the equipment on stage. So no warm up time. Get on stage, pick up your guitar, plug into your choice of amp and play. This year: https://www.songsforkids.org/500-songs-for-kids Songs I Wish I'd Written from the 80s, 90s, and 00s. We drew the 90s bar/song list and my favorite song from the 90s. In some years, we have gotten songs I had never heard before. Last year it was all Beatles songs and we got one I had never heard. Luckily, Rich Beato does a "What Makes This Song Great" about our song this year. I spent last night learning it. What a fucking blast this song is. I went with a Tele through a dirt pedal into my Marshall..
  3. Great podcast series plus, Norah Jones just sounds like such a cool chick. https://listen.stitcher.com/yvap/?af_dp=stitcher://episode/203873011&af_web_dp=https://www.stitcher.com/episode/203873011&deep_link_value=stitcher://episode/203873011
  4. Just checking in and getting this thread to page 1. Also sending BL some peaceful thoughts.
  5. I used to get pissed at myself when this happened. Then a buddy told me, "You may have lost your continuous day count, but you haven't lost what you learned to that point in recovery. When you ass falls off, pick it up and get back to work."
  6. Knee levers, not levels. Fuck.
  7. I thought I responded to this. You want a 3 pedal, 4 knee level model. I never figured out what the two right knee levers did, but I'm pretty sure it is fucking cool. GFI and Zum Stage One are very good Student/entry level instruments. Carter Starters? If someone gives you one, maybe take it, but for just a little more money, you can get a MUCH better instrument. I've seen them from $500 to $1000 used. My buddy told me his FIL bought a new Carter and parts are constantly falling off. Both GFI and Zum can be had for around $1300-$1600 new. GFI has a 5 month wait list right now. I found one Zum for $1300, located in Spain but seller gets great reviews and it looks brand new. The one I played, the guy bought on Ebay with a hard shell case for $1300, plus a volume pedal. Probably $2200 new for all. As far as playing, 8th string is the root. Bar at that fret for the I chord. Press pedals 1 and 2 for the IV. Slide up two frets for the V. To play a minor, just find the root and use the first pedal. Within 10 minutes I was playing along with songs on my phone. Your bolded statement is spot on. He summed it up: "In just a couple of weeks, you could play fills and background stuff with any band. But to get really good will take a lot of work....but DAMN, it is fun to play.
  8. These GFI steels are made near Branson, MO. The frames, legs, pedals and some other parts are actually made in this town where I've been since January. He showed me how to get from a I to IV to V and I was off. Of course, they were just simple chords but DAMN it was fun. I've always thought those Carter Starter steels were a POS and he said they were. His FIL has one and said pieces were always falling off and wouldn't stay in tune. This thing, $1700 new, is built like a tank. He said the Zum Stage One steels were also much better than Carter Starters, for just a little more money.
  9. So, today I spent about an hour playing a pedal steel for the first time. I am fucking hooked. I think we broached this subject before but do we how any pedal steel guys on here? I played a GFI Student S-10 with 3 pedals, 4 knee levers. A preacher at my parent's church in shithole Tx just started playing one in his 'praise band'. If I'm still here much longer, we are going to work up a song with me playing this and him singing. I think we are going to go with this Sam Baker's "Go In Peace" although we messed around with "The Old Rugged Cross" today and that sounded fucking AWESOME on this thing. He bought his used on Ebay. Some guy bought it and never played it so he got a decent deal on it.
  10. Congrats on the year. Outstanding!
  11. Three years ago yesterday, I was completely and utterly broken. I was loading up in my car in Atlanta for a drive I didn't want to make to some place near Nashville. Driving along the winding river road (curiously named River Road) I thought about swerving off the road so I wouldn't have to go that day. When I drove under the arches that led to the treatment center, I felt a release I couldn't describe. I now know that was what surrender felt like. I was still scared and wasn't sure I wanted to live, but I was done fighting. It can be done. Surrender is not to be confused with giving up. For me, it was much more a process of opening up. As John Clark says at the end of his brilliant podcast, Forest Fires, "Stay Reachable, Stay Teachable, and Stay Humble". I would also add, "Stay Connected". I love you guys. Let's keep doing this.
  12. Something about a dog resting in a chair makes my heart smile.
  13. This is the guy who had it built: That pastel, double-bound Tele has my attention. I'm usually not a bound tele fan, but that thing looks fantastic. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc1b_PcNOwH/
  14. That is a Swart AST Pro in the lower left. https://www.humbuckermusic.com/products/swart-ast-pro-combo-amp-tweed?variant=37965324976312&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2018-11-03&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpcOTBhCZARIsAEAYLuX8HAIbVm0wN8n5wfdFPsdwqUU3R0T_UyHhgKsC6eiOgQUoJZTuNeUaAinJEALw_wcB
  15. https://www.instagram.com/p/CdHJ4tTPYwk/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
  16. When I saw this, I thought, "Well, headed back to rehab". She was obviously under the influence of something. Really sad. And what she put Ashley through.....wow. She was pretty much left to raise herself while Naomi dragged Wynona all over the country. https://www.etonline.com/media/videos/naomi-judd-praised-healing-power-of-country-music-in-final-interview-exclusive-183326
  17. Tune not Texas-Themed but artist damn sure is: Willie doing a Cindy Walker song. Doesn't get more Texas than that. Another Cindy Walker song: With a munch of folks. And Miss Walker doing one of her own, made famous by Bob Wills.
  18. Anyone ever play one of these Peavey T- guitars? There is one hanging in an old gas station in this little town when I'm staying. Not sure if it is T-25 or a T-60. I need to stop back in and actually play it but he is asking $400 for it. https://reverb.com/p/peavey-t-25?hfid=53967047&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12293041864&utm_content=campaignid=12293041864_adgroupid=119218506164_productpartitionid=1460998417427=merchantid=562249669_productid=53967047_keyword=_device=c_adposition=_matchtype=_creative=497371954058&gclid=Cj0KCQjwma6TBhDIARIsAOKuANw2VM9mMGADdzgNWwzq7DvLBsZQRAIXACSvEbpW7p7CXvOoVqRWpKQaAiMTEALw_wcB https://reverb.com/item/50983976-1979-usa-peavey-t-60-with-maple-fretboard-natural-w-brand-new-hard-case?bk=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiIzYTgwY2JkYi1jOTk2LTQ4MGItYjM2MC1mMzU2ZDMxMjQ2OWYiLCJpYXQiOjE2NTEyNDg2NTQsInVzZXJfaWQiOiIiLCJzZXNzaW9uX2lkIjoiIiwiY29va2llX2lkIjoiNTc1ZmJmYWQtZjRmOC00ZmM5LWE4ZGUtOGFkM2ViOTk0MDExIiwicHJvZHVjdF9pZCI6IjUwOTgzOTc2Iiwic291cmNlIjoiTk9ORSJ9.7DmZIKQO72h0GaToiT-sSYHvIaX2krj1JbFD7Fw_YIc
  19. Blue Rodeo is one of my all-time favorite bands, so I'll submit them. One of my favorite parts about them is two very distinctly different lead singers.
  20. Willie's Hill Country Theme reminded me of this version. One of my favorite instrumentals of all time.
  21. Some way in hell, Gary P. Nunn had never played at the Grand Ole Opry. For me, that is as bad as Tommy Nobis not being in the NFL Hall of Fame. Finally, in 2019, they righted that wrong and I was lucky enough to be there. I've never been so proud to be a Texan. Some Lessor known favorites of mine Pat Alger: Lone Star State of Mind West Texas Winds: by John Ims Texas Me and You - Asleep At the Wheel
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