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Everything posted by hullabelew

  1. ww.youtube.com/watch?v=lo3DnNLCcK8
  2. Mother Fucker. Just watched Tommy Womack's "Monday Morning Coffee". Fucking cancer has returned. Fuck. This video was shot just before he was arrested and went to jail then rehab in 2012. I can't tell you what Tommy means to me. He still goes back to Cumberland and plays at the Sunday services. Brings his books and CDs and just says, "Give what you can." Send up some peaceful thoughts to whoever you do that with.
  3. Warner Hodges says you can bet the person who serves you coffee is a better guitarist than anyone you have ever heard of. When he was playing with Dan Baird, he said, "Hell, I'm the second best guitarist in THIS band." Last night, I was watching some ACM country music thing on TV because I wanted to see what Brandi Carlisle sang. And holy shit...I see a dude I met at rehab, playing keyboards for Tim McGraw. He plays piano at the church service there every Sunday. Dude is INSANELY talented but has to have another job to support his desire to play when he can get a chance. A songwriter I know from Nashville named Amy Black told me that she was supposed to play a benefit but her slot got moved so she couldn't do it. She said, "I still had the pay the guitarist who learned my songs." So, she has a gig, sends her music to a guitarist she has never met so he can play with her on a 30 minute set. Apparently, that is a benefit for a guitarist to have time to learn the stuff. A lot of the time, the dude just shows up.
  4. I'm with you @Buzzrock. My wife goes completely overboard in one area with this shit....Gotta stay safe....don't bring that in the house, leave your shoes in the garage, leave your clothes in the garage...take a shower every time you go out..../ Just now...she goes outside to pick up the mail. Brings a box in.....sets in on the cutting board on the center island, opens it with a fucking kitchen knife, puts the knife back on the wall, unpacks the box of batteries that came from China, and sites is all on the fucking cutting board. Me: "How many people do you think have handled that box since it left China?" Her: "The mailman was wearing gloves" Me: "Me...ok. Nevermind." And don't get me started on believing every thing she reads...no matter the source. "Have you look at the CDC site?" Meh....you can't trust what they say. Yesterday, she was on some Zoom meeting with her Sunday school class. I quit long ago because I can't stand the people in there. I heard one lady actually say, "The pour high school kids don't get to have prom. That just isn't right." Fuck Me.
  5. Fantastic job! Let's keep it up, shall we? I'm REALLY missing my Sunday morning meeting. I LOVE going to it and really is the only meeting I go to some weeks. It is that solid. And I was horning in on a Zoom meeting through my IOP buddies, but that place finally got organized and started doing it through their 'official' site, so I'm out of that. Oh well. Just talking to guys now....but I miss that face to face time.
  6. I found the same thing. Exactly. And also the same as Golf mentioned. I've since gotten a lot of questions from other former drinking buddies that I still hang out with how I did it, how it is going for me. Even helped one get into a local rehab for 90 days. Two of them still drink were two that kept in touch with me in rehab....writing letters and sending me care packages. Will be 11 months in 6 days since I limped in to rehab.
  7. This guy is retiring and closing up his shop. He is a good dealer. A coworker bought a Madagascar backed Taylor 800 series from him 10 years ago that he had listed for $3000. My buddy emailed the old man saying he was interested in that Taylor. The old guy sent back a $2100 price tag. I haven't looked at his inventory yet, but worth a look. I'm betting he will really make a deal. https://www.myfavoriteguitars.com/
  8. Most things I find humor....this one, not so fucking much. She decides, with the help of one of her friends, that shoes track in the RONA. So we need to leave them in the garage or on the back porch. Never mind that I always do this with the exception of some Red Wing slip ons that I put on when I take the dog out/get mail/take out trash. They stay next to the back door. Meanwhile, she usually has at least 4 pairs of shoes in the kitchen. All over the fucking place..... So, I open the garage door. Two steps down. WHAM. Sprained/maybe broken ankle. Fell over her shoes she put right in the middle of the first fucking step. Her: What happened? Me: I fell over your shoes? Why did you put them right in the middle of the steps? Her: I want to leave shoes in the garage. Remember? WHAT? You didn't see them? Fuck me. Why the fuckity fuck would you put ANYTHING, right in the middle of the steps. She bitched at me one time when she twisted her ankle in the yard. "You need to fill in the backyard. Make it level." I'm sitting on the couch now,..ice on my ankle, watching Forensic Files reruns...and taking copious notes.
  9. Baboso got one of mine, so I'll add another one that is fairly self-explanatory. "Fuck the men they can eat their belts"
  10. Not my calendar, not my job. The Farmer's almanac was on the correct page. That is all that matters to me.
  11. Anyone else have a spouse who just can't seem to grasp that if you open a cabinet or drawer, just go ahead and close that mother fucker when your done. In the bathroom this morning.... I don't know how that was hanging in there without falling on the floor.
  12. I've always shied away from things like that due to the learning curve. I would rather spend time playing than learning how to work a pedal board. But I may give this one a shot when it comes out. I use two small, very different boards for the two groups I play with and being able to have one piece of equipment handle both jobs seems pretty cool.
  13. Either Petty or REM (until Bill Berry left. I got now use for any of their stuff without ).
  14. Cracker with Johnny Hickman on guitar and Davey Faragher on bass was a GREAT rock show. Also, second the Smithereens on a solid live show. Saw them outdoors and they blew me away.
  15. No particular order, but Making Movies is always near the top. Dire Strait: Making Movies Elton John: Capt. Fantastic Jayhawks: Rainy Day Music REM: Murmur Toad The Wet Sprocket: Pale Bruce Robison: Country Sunshine (can't find it anymore but it is stunning. His best songwriting is on this album) James McMurtry: It Had To Happen (close race between Where'd You Hide/Complicated Game) Willie: Stardust (in a close race with Stranger) Los Lobos: Will The Wolf Survive Beatles: Abbey Road
  16. Old 97s are GREAT about this. Their album names are always just one phrase from the album. LOVE that.
  17. We are going to need pics and a little more details on the endeavor.
  18. Here is@baboso dog, Mollie the Wonder Dog and the Capt and a bunch of my wife's shit right on the fucking way
  19. Yep. 10 days ago, he went on a 2 mile walk. Then he went drastically downhill. With the vet closed, I was having to pump 100cc of ringers in to him every day. His kidneys had shut down but the little fucker wouldn't die. Took him in today. Wife and the other dog are a fucking wreck.
  20. We lost a good one today boys. Pour one out for Capt. Velcro. Just two weeks ago, he guarded the house against a vicious, red-eyed death possum. He tried to pick a fight with a playful pit and a GSD at the same fucking time. Deaf as my wife and about the best fucking dog I've ever owned.
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