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Cousin Strawberry

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Everything posted by Cousin Strawberry

  1. 11 Ks for the Pitcher for the People
  2. Breakfast is all I've had there and it is fine. 5 minutes after I was served the owner came up to me and said. "how do you like your food? Taste good?" He asked me the exact same question again 5 minutes later. Then asked a dude coming out of the restroom how he liked his food as well. It was very weird.
  3. So much this. Especially when its obvious the kid is a painfully shy mute.
  4. Bryant has ice water running through his veins. Can’t remember seeing this type of composure in a kid so young .
  5. Also, when Tony is asking Christopher if the two Arabs could be terrorists. Christopher says he doesn’t think so because “Mohammed and his girlfriend have a dog. A springer spaniel.”
  6. Pauly was great. At Chris's intervention when it comes out that he killed Cosette, everyone except Pauli is appalled. His response is "what? Was it barkin'?"
  7. If you like a fried chicken sandwich this is hard to beat. https://pollolasabuelas.com
  8. Anyone else find it disturbing that Sam has only had sex with one person, Gilley. Gilley has only had sex with one person, her dad?
  9. Deep-throating the ass meat was tolerable?
  10. https://www.kxan.com/news/local/travis-county/leander-man-arrested-for-posting-video-of-girlfriend-to-pornhub/1918590517
  11. He was a complete bastard as far back as season two. Starting with the bust out of David Scatino’s sporting goods store. I think it was Ritchie who really brought out the shitbag in Tony.
  12. Anyone mentioned Bad Boys with Esai Morales and Sean Penn?
  13. "a-s-s as in how bout giving me some?" He sucked bad. Him getting beat at chess by a seven-year-old was believable though.
  14. "They can take 2007 and give it back to the Indians!"
  15. Someone should tell the UTSA pitcher that an 89mph fastball isn’t complimented by an 82mph change up. Also, it shouldn’t be located belt high.
  16. Any relation to Bugs Meaney, the guy Encyclopedia Brown always outsmarted?
  17. Noon is trash. Remember when they were Verts Kebap?
  18. I tend to believe that she was crying because she is a cashier at Walmart.
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