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Everything posted by TDunk

  1. I expected to see this when I opened the thread
  2. Optics... No filter on the debate stage. Plus she is grifting along
  3. Can we get a Forensic Files type show for politics to show hospitalized patients? I'm sick of walking in on Fox/MSNBC/CNN skewed stuff.
  4. Does one have a K? Like the stupid Jeffs named Geoff.
  5. I forget who first said it, but every time I see GOP trying to ban same sex marriage or degrade homosexuality in anyway I always think the same thing. The call is coming from inside the closet.
  6. Hispanic for sure. But are they wearing masks and vaccinated?
  7. Is that better than 52-80? Asking for a friend/asshole.
  8. Not to quote you directly, but my grandpa owned 2 grocery stores. Kroger moved in and 1 was done because of costs. The other one is still open only because of access. Kroger owns King Soopers as well.
  9. Explain this to me like I'm
  10. I hope the rapture happens. And it takes away all of these evangelicals, so the rest of us can live life appropriately.
  11. Was she on the Alive flight and used her pinkie toes and part of the bigs for food?
  12. Hunter Biden still has his law license. Hell, a copy may be in the laptop.
  13. https://twitter.com/Pleightx/status/1393561052827246595/photo/1
  14. Please secede SEC. Sounds like a good chant. You non-fucks can move west or north. Godspeed.
  15. Well if they stop tracking hurricanes, then there would be no more hurricanes. Duh.
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