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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. I have a mix of 9.5 and 7.25 and one 9.25-14 compound radius. It’s one of the least significant factors for me. They all feel good, and I don’t notice having to adapt when putting one down and picking the other up. Nut width, scale length & neck thickness all matter a lot more to me, personally. And I like V or C shapes — too much “shoulders” and the neck sucks to me. Everything about the neck and what your left hand likes is 100% subjective personal preference. You can be given prescriptions for a lot of things about a guitar, but what is going to feel like sex to your left hand just isn’t one of them. You have to play a lot of different guitars/necks and arrive at your own conclusions. Most of my guitar shuffling is about getting a collection of badass players that are all in my sweet spot of neck prefs, where I can pick any of my guitars up and the neck feels fantastic as well as consistent with the one I just put down.
  2. I’m picturing something like the newscaster rumble from Anchorman. ”Brick killed a guy with a Telecaster”
  3. His “friend.” Have you ever seen @Horn Dogg and Joe Bonamassa in the same room together?
  4. @noharleyyet to the white courtesy phone, please.
  5. I’ve never paid more than too fucking much for a guitar.
  6. I like your retirement plan a whole lot better than mine, @Horn Dogg. Bravo!
  7. Can’t hold a candle to my Highway One!
  8. This thread just got real fucking interesting!
  9. I vote a 1959 burst refurb project to give @G650 some competition.
  10. The fucking good old days, man.
  11. These turned out to be Texas specials. Nice bit of change to find in the sofa.
  12. Goredho

    Pink Floyd

    Gilmour with the final cut.
  13. Congrats! I am not going to show that to my daughter, though.
  14. Yeah, I'd like to keep my bill under $1000 for everything. I'm not looking to recreate Abbey Road here.
  15. Yeah, its only a two channel interface, but its got the 48V option. May look at upgrading, though, so I have two channels dedicated to the line in from the AxeFX and at least one more channel to be set up for the mic so I'm not having to swap things around all the time. Right now the 48v will apply to both channels or neither channel.
  16. So if I was to get something like a KM184 as suggested, what else do I need for recording an acoustic guitar? A good pair of headphones for monitoring, XLR cable, a mic boom that can work well for a sitting position. Anything else? Just run from the mic into my audio interface?
  17. On a tangential note, I have started playing with IMovie to refine video & audio recordings, just for little social media clips and the like. I recorded a clip this morning using just quicktime and my laptop's camera and microphone, then processed it with IMovie. I was really happy with the audio improvement that I got pretty much out of the box. I was using the AxeFX3 modeler emulating a Suhr badger amp and that went into a stereo power amp two 1x12 cabs, with it all just being captured by the laptop mic not particularly pointed anywhere. Chords were just from a looper going through all that at the same time. Here's the processed clip (ignore the goofy video filter): Now here is the raw clip as captured with quicktime, and you can hear how much of a difference the IMovie processing made. The improvement was just from me clicking an "auto improve audio" button in IMovie. I am sure you could also dive really deep into improving the quality of sound for video recordings, too.
  18. Thanks for the advice, @G650 & @Chips O'Toole. I'll look deeper at the options and resources you've suggested. Unfortunately, my space is a 12'x12' room that also has to be my office, so I have tried as much as possible to not have to dick with microphones. Aside from space limitations, its not set up well acoustically, and I have no ability to isolate anything. So it is not a professional recording setting by any means. That's why I used an Ox Box when I was using real valve amps and now use an AxeFX3 exclusively for electric recording, and I'm very happy with it. Previously, I've used my Eastman acoustic with an LR Baggs system in it for recording and having that go direct to interface. Again, not nearly as good as what you could get in a studio with proper acoustics and mics, but good enough for me and my needs. But now I'm starting to take a shine to vintage acoustics and I don't want to go altering them with things like an LR Baggs or Fishman pickup system inside. So that's the context where I am coming from. I guess I can have a decent condenser mic and just use headphones for monitoring to make the whole room a sound booth, basically. Which I'd need to do for either that DPA 4099 or one of the suggestions you guys have made. The DPA 4099 in that video is $650 MSRP, so its not exactly cheap, either.
  19. I want to talk about recording acoustic guitars. My Eastman has an LR Baggs system in it, and that’s what I’ve used to record with decent enough results for my purposes at the time. But now I’ve got an acoustic without electronics and given it’s a 54 year old guitar, I don’t really want to do anything invasive to it. So that probably means I’m looking at mics, something I’ve been pretty adverse to. So what are my options for something that will make a good enough recording at a reasonable budget? Also, anyone have any experience with these body mount mics? I’m really limited in space and not having a mic stand to further clutter things is strongly appealing.
  20. I post about shit I once did on Surly vs doing shit that’s worthy of posting on Surly.
  21. Lot of recording info exchange in the share your music thread.
  22. Anyone have any ideas how to identify the custom shop pickups that came in the Highway 1 Strat? I guess I could get a multimeter measurement to get to a list of possibilities.
  23. I’m too lazy to photoshop it, but now my minds eye can’t unsee JoeB playing a burst with a douche nozzle like Page would with a violin bow.
  24. I am really digging the little LG-1. This is a little delta blues snippet I’ve had forever. This guitar renders it so well, and makes me want to flesh it out into a real song.
  25. We fully expect you to respond to his indecent proposal with, “I’m sorry, sir, but your white privilege blues is beneath such a fine instrument.”
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