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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. I don't think you are wrong at all. Some things I have seen people struggling with since the onset of covid (age immaterial): Why the fuck do I need to take a shower today? Why the fuck do I need to brush my teeth today? Why the fuck do I need to put on clean clothes today? Why the fuck do I need to go to school/work/whatever today? Why the fuck do I even need to get out of bed today? Why the fuck am I doing anything when life is just a finite state machine of eat, shit, work, eat, work, eat, fuck around, sleep, repeat N times until you die?
  2. Yeah, I see a lot more general workplace apathy from the onset of covid on. Great resignation, quiet quitting, etc...
  3. If the internet had existed and been as available as it is today, I'd have stayed at home and done plenty of health/sex ed research.
  4. Vote accordingly and help others weigh their political options.
  5. As long as we are helping the Ukraine, we are doing shit to harm Putin and Russia. We've got a good old fashioned proxy war going on, and I love it. Reason #1238918123 to vote for Biden/not vote for Trump.
  6. Today's generation of students are simply apt pupils. Many of the adults around them view public schools as fatally flawed guvment bullshit Those adults elect other adults who view public schools similarly Those elected officials hire other adults to administer schools from a pool of people who view public schools similarly Those administrators ensure the school lives up to their expectation of being fatally flawed guvment bullshit How are kids supposed to take school seriously when the adults around them don't?
  7. From a voter perspective, I think Trump has some people that always will vote R like you describe, but I think he's also galvanized a loose confederation of people unhappy with the way things are or the way they are going. These voters are the citizens of rural areas clinging to a dying way of life. The small business owner who is struggling to make it against the Walmarts and Amazons. The Christian who views any abortion as murder. The dumbfuck fan of wrasslin' who never voted before 2016 until he was labeled a deplorable. The conservative parent appalled when their kid comes home from school one day and says I'm gay. And yeah, the wealthy who want their tax cuts above all else as wells as the hardcore racists who want to see white power preserved, white nationalists who want to see immigrants shot, incels who think women exist to serve their man, etc... He has managed to get all those disparate and seemingly incompatible people to act together politically. But they are not natural allies. They are allies of desperation united behind a fucking moron awful human being. I won't call him a moron, because he undeniably has a gift for spearheading a populist movement that should not be underestimated. I think the biggest failing of Trump's opposition to date is that they have not found a way to drive wedges between those disparate groups of unnatural allies.
  8. So much better than fucking kpop
  9. Your post is off topic and bereft of entertainment value or insight. The only remarkable thing about it is that you have managed to craft something that is a more catastrophic failure than the Boeing 737 max.
  10. Didn't he make his position clear with who he nominated to the supreme court and how they voted on Roe v. Wade?
  11. We should offer DJT a sweet Pablo Escobar prison deal. He "surrenders" to authorities for a prison term, but he gets to design the prison with all the amenities he wants at the government's expense. Provide him with an Aggy engineer to formalize his plans. This will ensure that he dies when the prison inevitably collapses on top of him.
  12. In the spirit of compromise, I would accept the "Donald J Trump Dullest International Airport."
  13. Went looking for a source, found this: In a three-year study, having microplastics and nanoplastics in artery-clogging plaque put a person at nearly five times higher risk for having a stroke or heart attack. Experts say the mounting evidence showing an association between microplastics and poor health outcomes does not show causation, but the findings are alarming enough to warrant much more research. Virtually every person on Earth has been exposed to plastic. It’s becoming clear that tiny fragments of this plastic are becoming part of the human body. https://www.health.com/microplastics-clogged-arteries-heart-attack-stroke-8619660#:~:text=After adjusting for factors that,within the three-year timeframe. But there may be a bright side. Maybe it will finally eliminate the stigma of sex with...
  14. Maybe. If what happened with the Republican party happens with the church, you will be 100% correct. He comes in, is his asshole self and drives decent people to say "fuck it, I'm out." They leave the institution. What's left are people that applaud when he shits on the dais and like that, he's now in control of the institution. Sure, it may be weakened, but it still influential and holds some power. More importantly, since he controls it, it is no longer an institution that could oppose him. Do that with enough institutions, and... you know the rest.
  15. Well, Trump took over the Republican Party. Next up is the Christian religion. Hopefully there are enough decent Christians to curtail that shit.
  16. Everyone upset about Diddy and Cuba Gooding Jr, but you better not sleep on Wayne Brady, bitches.
  17. Yeah, I've had similar thoughts. That Trump is basically a political "Stone Cold" Steve Austin with a kayfabe sticking it to "the man" schtick, and it resonates with people that feel (rightly, wrongly, its sorta immaterial) that they have been fucked over by "the man" as well. Trump cleverly manages to lump in anyone who threatens him into the collective "man" that is holding all his aggrieved followers down.
  18. Can we just deport Mark Maddock to Dumbfuckistan? Oh, I forgot, he already resides in Dumbfuckistan.
  19. It’s just good old free market capitalism at work. Capitalists are really only responsible for consolidating and increasing capital. It only seems irresponsible if you care about things other than money.
  20. “Conservative sex” is the preferred nomenclature, dude.
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