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brown water

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by brown water

  1. Also took a long look at this...
  2. Just ordered this GO on a stainless bracelet. Will probably add a leather and rubber band soon. Seems pretty flexible. What say the brethren?
  3. Thursday. Nearly 5lb bone in ribeye... Actually the dry brine started Monday.
  4. Not that intellectual honesty has ever been their strongest trait but I’m coming around to letting them go. I get the irony that these idiots likely railed against public health driven restrictions on economic grounds. Now they choose to take their discretionary spending that could support local businesses out of the country. Logically inconsistent. Sure. Hypocritical. Of course. Totally on brand. Yep. But where I land is being fine with them never coming back. Would I prefer them rot in prison? Sure. But I’ll take getting the fuck out forever as a consolation prize.
  5. Lazy Tuesday night. NY strip and figuring out the new grill. Thursday is looking like the big day. Double cut prime bone in ribeye with my best friend and his 2 sons.
  6. Texas Star Grills in Houston. They were great but iirc not in your part of the world.
  7. Bought one over Christmas. Guess I was the beneficiary of the transition because it’s the old model at the new price. Loving it so far.
  8. And by the way, has the republican infighting been called klannibalization? Because it should.
  9. I’ll preface this that I’m no political scientist or strategist... First, I’m happy the trial is delayed and wish it was a bit longer actually I’m all for swift resolution but my experience with trump is that time won’t be his friend. New details of malfeasance are starting to emerge. More importantly I expect being out of the spotlight can only last so long. And when he does emerge it will be for unwanted reasons. High on that list, in my estimation, will be attacking the disloyal republicans to try to regain some lost credibility with his most vocal and extreme supporters. Which brings us to the second point which is the internal conflict of the Republican Party. I assume ideology is important but more important will be who controls the established political machinery. Third parties are DOA in our system. Trump is already threatening to form the patriot party. If a “traditional” republican had to choose I assume they’d prefer that to having the patriot mentality consume the gop and control its political machinery. Trump / trumpism is a metastasized cancer. The prognosis for the gop is bad either way but it seems like the choice is between long shot curative regiment or entering hospice. That said, I expect them to acquit out of cowardice. Simple logic that they likely lose either way so don’t piss of the crazies.
  10. Friday night with a wagyu strip and a couple interested bystanders
  11. I’ll have to circle back on that one. Yesterday was a day off from dry January and I was in drinking mode not tasting mode.
  12. I’ve tasted better but never enjoyed more.
  13. Count me among the fortunate few. My parents voted republican their whole life until trump was on the ballot. They immediately mobilized against him. They’re deeply principled (but not religious) and took great exception to his ethical and moral shortcomings. For them character overrides policy. My mom, in particular, was very active supporting Beto for senate and doing what she could to get the democratic vote out. During the pandemic she stuffed mail and packets that could be handed out even though she wouldn’t leave home much for safety. They’ve taken covid seriously and are debating staying locked down longer to allow others in need to get vaccinated before them (which I’ve discouraged). I’m sorry every time I read how this environment is alienating families. I’ve never been more proud of mine - even if their decency might have skipped a generation.
  14. I actually started 1/1 which was poor planning on my part but I made it through. FWIW I’ve found a couple decent NA IPAs. I generally dislike IPAs so the NA makes for a less disagreeable change - some kind of Jedi mind trick I suppose. Might not belong in this thread but since it looks like several of us are on the same program...
  15. Doing same. Dry January with an announced cheat day. Makers 46 cask strength is on the menu.
  16. What about the known correlation between floppy boobs and large mouth vaginas?
  17. At least they’re consistent in their unwillingness to endure the most modest personal inconvenience for the greater good.
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