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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hpara759

  1. i will be keeping my hands in my pockets for a good while....thank you very much
  2. I think I would......If they had outdoor Patio seating, and spread out the tables and chairs
  3. thousands of them.....and given the opportunity they would want a test every time they went to HEB
  4. some of us (over 50) are "essential"......and have been "rolling the dice" from the start of this shit.
  5. that is asking a lot.......some just want to make sure that we know......WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!
  6. eastern Williamson Co.....head north from Manor just take any county road...all the way up to Walburg then cut over to Granger and head back south to Elgin again trying to stay on county roads for best bluebonnet effect
  7. Driving out to Revered Jim's Dam Pub....having a burger and a beer
  8. Castro Co. 7500 folks...11 confirmed cases....1 death Per capital.....oooohh that's bad
  9. Update on the situation in Nazareth (Castro Co)......now 8 confirmed cases Good news 2 of the 3 folks on vents have made it off of them and are breathing on their own Bad news: one of the new cases in Nazareth is an FNP at the county clinic in Dimmitt
  10. Update on situation in Nazareth (Castro Co ) Now 8 confirmed cases Good news 2 of the 3 that were on vents in Amarillo have come off the vents. Bad news....one of the new cases from Nazareth is a NP at the County clinic in Dimmitt
  11. just came to do a (drive-by) to see what the Surly MD's were saying about allergies.....my eyes were stuck together this morning.............
  12. Of course.... Everything in Naz is basketball related.....the Swiftettes have won 24 state championships over the last 44 years
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