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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexArcher

  1. I think Michigan beats Bama 6 out of 10 tries.
  2. Missouri looks like a bucket of piss with a turd floating in it.
  3. Anyone want to loan me their life savings? I know how to double it before midnight. I'll just take 10% as a finder's fee.
  4. Not rooting for Ohio State, but they are gonna choke a bitch like Wayne Brady tonight.
  5. Brent Venables looks like Skeletor fucked a redneck meth queen.
  6. Announcer trying to will a flag for late hit. Doucher.
  7. ou must be so confused getting called for two penalties in one half.
  8. Everyone who likes ou is an asshole.
  9. That kid is ugly even for a sooner, god damn.
  10. I feel like Arizona's ready to turn the difficulty up to All American. It's not realistic to have 45 on the board at halftime.
  11. Jesus, guys are so open that I could make some of these throws.
  12. Ahahahahahahaha, get thoroughly fucked, you pieces of shit.
  13. Then I'd have to add a bowl ban column, too.........
  14. Cue the "We're not weird..." commercial.
  15. * waves to texags * * middle finger to texags *
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