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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. Christians- “we must not allow any abortion, even in cases of rape, incest, or no viable fetus because the bible says all life is supremely precious!” genesis 22: Then God said, "Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about." Christians- “well…post born, non-white kids are different!”
  2. that $99 is for 2 tix plus parking so you really are only paying $25 a tix. Personally i would take. The 2 yankees tix, 2 hotdogs, and 2 drinks for the same price
  3. Exactly. If i found out my attorney had been legally given access to info that could potentially help a congressional commission investigating an insurrection of my country, and he didn’t pursue it because it may have offended some other lawyers collegial sensitivities I would be livid. This is potential much more then about this individual case.
  4. Yea I’m no lawyer, but if I’m suing some asswipe like AJ, I want my lawyer to “get the gimp” within legal bounds, rather then be the good collegial gentleman.
  5. I dated a girl who enjoyed ATM and she was left handed so this hits close to home
  6. At the very least someone who speaks the tongue needs to call the Taipei airport and overhead page Nancy on the regular.
  7. So Nancy visits and China responds by launching 10's of millions of dollars worth of military equipment into the ocean and providing us with mountains of intelligence on their weaponry and capabilities ? I say Nancy buys a Taiwanese vacation home and go back monthly.
  8. Good listen Abortion Bans Have Consequences For Wanted Pregnancies, Too https://one.npr.org/?sharedMediaId=1115434762:1115439813
  9. Explain to me like I am a 5yr old how a law, passed by the Penn legislature on a bipartisan basis, and upheld by the Penn SC, could be successfully appealed to the USSC to be declared unconstitutional given article 1, section 4 of the constitution? Oh right.. this GOP USSC.
  10. Yup. And a lot of Pro-Life men are as well, but only when it directly affects them or their family.
  11. Cool. Are they gonna recognize citizenship upon conception for these 2 cell persons too? If so I need to figure out how to grift a “conceive your American anchor baby tour” project.
  12. Who has bigger tits… Mehmet or Lisa?
  13. Exactly. If we are actually dealing with a Chinese leadership that is willing to go to war over something this stupid then we need to know that while they are the 2nd largest super power and not the 1st. If this is going down, lets go now while the world is shitty on so many fronts. No point in rebuilding everything back up and then tearing it all back down in a few years.
  14. Exactly this. Whether it was a good idea or not when it was proposed, once China threatened us, we have absolutely no choice. They are not going to do shit about it either so calm down.
  15. So Schumer promised that if a handful of R senators allowed passage of a bill that had near universal approval, he would not allow passage of anything else the Dems wanted ?
  16. Imagine if women took the Thomas view. “Hey ladies, we have only achieved 85% of our equality goals over the last 80yrs and now make up the majority of incoming college classes at many select universities so this is all obviously a failure. What we need to so is go back to women’s status at the time of the nation’s founding and let each individual woman work their way up through those challenges. Only then will will achieve true, respected equality!”
  17. In Rubio's defense it is a stupid waste of time cause even if it passes the SC will declare it unconstitutional.
  18. Is he wearing postman pants?
  19. Well his message is correct but I would modify it a bit: ""In America, our enemy is different but their objective is the same: Total. Government. GQP. Control."
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