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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. Have you not heard of his father Biggis Dickus Johnson and his Mother Incontinentia Buttucks?
  2. Or what? The NCAA is gonna enforce rules now? What the fuck ever. I would call GP an “analyst” then put him on the sideline and let him act as a coordinator. And if the NCAA says something I would tell them to fuck off.
  3. In her defense, with a dick in her mouth is probably it is tolerable to be around her.
  4. Everyone, PLEASE stop with all the talk about Horn Dog banging Jennifer Lawrence this weekend! Y'all all know where my mind at with that woman!!
  5. 1. Bar missing from chair behind douch guy 2. item missing from table. 3. Foot missing from douch guy. 4. Arrow missing from bag. 5. "@funntextus" moved from bottom to top. 6. Light area od douch guy's bag is gone. 7. Girl's left nipple in 2nd pic is slightly more erect
  6. While we are it, perhaps we need some national legislation on coach's salaries. Otherwise, that may get out of control and result in imbalances too!
  7. Exactly. Also, a LB who obviously doesn't shoot blanks?? We can only image....
  8. What about if I have a preexisting traditional IRA which has been funded for many years with exclusively post tax contributions, but has grown from investment returns over the years? Can I do a 100% Roth conversion of that without immediate tax implications (since no pre-tax contributions were ever used) or do I need to somehow account for the returns in that account prior to conversion?
  9. Same here. I still don't completely understand how to separate recent from old contributions from the traditional IRA for the backdoor Roth conversion. Have you found any clearly written, non technical articles explaining exactly how to do this from a preexisting IRA without fucking yourself with the IRS?
  10. New Surly NLI idea. This goes to a single second year aggy transfer willing to document and publicly disclose the illegal bag game used in their initial recruitment. It pays double what can be documented to have been received in elicit funds from aggy bagmen. This NLI supports the charity ‘Clean Bags’ whose stated purpose is to rid college football of illegal monetary influence of players.
  11. I am a bit of an expert at the bag game and up to this point never felt comfortable sharing but now that I am older and I am getting out of the game so can probably spill some secrets without risking much. 1. Clean bags are key. Again, make sure your bags are clean. Presentation is extremely important. 2. Make sure your bags are full. Half empty bags are distasteful and result in a potential poor response from recipient. 3. Make sure your bags are welcome. Consent is important, especially in this day of misconstrued intentions. 4. When the times right, gently lowet your bags on her nose. Again, make sure to be gentle. 5. Make sure lightning is appropriate for selfie. Post on I’d Pee in her butt board.
  12. So after turning over over a third of the entire roster, all we need to do is turn over 5 more key positions to have a possibility sound, average team. Holy shit!
  13. I’m not sure of the specifics but I do know that closetojumping is close to humping closetohumping.
  14. I am on the hiring committee of my company and I think I just came up with my next weed out Interview question: ”You are on 5* WR recruit. You can take $350k of illegal funds to play for Jimbo or $500k of legal funds to play for Sark. What do you choose”
  15. Completely Agree! ** **If he is hired by UT and wins us a championship or two, then I completely disagree.
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