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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dog

  1. Pro-Tip for any of these recruits or their family members- It would be wise to take screenshots/recording of these conversations as these funds are being offered to you. Threatening to release this evidence will likely double or even triple your net if you play your hand correctly on the way out.
  2. All aggy needs is for a bunch of 17-18yr hyper competitive arrogant boys to be completely satisfied with getting less $ then several of their teammates, stay patient while working hard to earn their playing time, and to keep off social media and their mouths shut when they are feeling like they are being treated unfairly. What could possibly go wrong?
  3. All we need is a small group of hackers to get into emails, phones, and trace some crypto exchanges and some people to document the purchases of these players uncles over the next few months to blow this whole thing open. What would that cost? 100k? Russia…if your listening…..
  4. I would not be opposed to Merck, and the generic companies, jacking up the price of Ivermectin to astronomically levels on a temporary basis just to see how far the rubes will go to get their placebo.
  5. “Former president Donald Trump was known inside the White House for his unusual and potentially unlawful habit of tearing presidential records into shreds and tossing them on the floor — creating a headache for records management analysts who meticulously used Scotch tape to piece together fragments of paper that were sometimes as small as confetti,” ”Stephen Gillers, a New York University law professor and constitutional scholar, said White House documents torn up by Trump are clearly the property of the government under the Presidential Records Act. “So destroying them could be a crime under several statutes that make it a crime to destroy government property if that was the intent of the defendant,” Gillers said.”
  6. I am still shocked that they killed off Eric’s character, Helen, at the end of Ozark season 3
  7. Surly hot take- “Yea but someone needs to work on his awful habit of dropping the ball immediately after he catches it!”
  8. If you superimpose Sark’s and Milwee’s hair together you get close to a normal head of hair.
  9. Biden should nominate Chelsea Clinton’s daughter just to fuck with the GOP
  10. Never thought about it before but if I have a GF with a severe nut allergy, is it still ok to nut in her mouth?
  11. Have you not heard of his father Biggis Dickus Johnson and his Mother Incontinentia Buttucks?
  12. Or what? The NCAA is gonna enforce rules now? What the fuck ever. I would call GP an “analyst” then put him on the sideline and let him act as a coordinator. And if the NCAA says something I would tell them to fuck off.
  13. In her defense, with a dick in her mouth is probably it is tolerable to be around her.
  14. Everyone, PLEASE stop with all the talk about Horn Dog banging Jennifer Lawrence this weekend! Y'all all know where my mind at with that woman!!
  15. 1. Bar missing from chair behind douch guy 2. item missing from table. 3. Foot missing from douch guy. 4. Arrow missing from bag. 5. "@funntextus" moved from bottom to top. 6. Light area od douch guy's bag is gone. 7. Girl's left nipple in 2nd pic is slightly more erect
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