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Everything posted by Nivek

  1. There was a spectrum of libido and inhibitions from my experience. Maybe the horn dogs who were inhibited were the ones who morphed into incels? But also I thought one dude I knew was a horn dog until I met a real pussy hound. The pussy hound was way more successful and put things into perspective. He was also the most focused guy I knew in high school.
  2. I love how they gloss over the fact they have McNeese on their schedule. That counts as a loss by the fact it is on their schedule.
  3. I didn’t really care on way or another until the incessant coverage overshadowed everything else. It was like all of the 2005 Reggie Bush/USC coverage condensed into 1 month.
  4. I hate everything about, you. (It’s a song by Ugly Kid Joe)
  5. Nivek


    To be fair, when I see a Q flag flying, I tend to think everyone there believes in nonsensical bullshit so I do not put any additional thought into it. It is as absurd as celebrating the stars and bars along with the U.S. flag and pretending they are equivalent.
  6. I kind of wish women would abstain more often and create more incels as a response to the political disenfranchisement and loss of domain.
  7. I have no idea what the fuck is going on. (also the title of my sextape)
  8. One of Tahoe's old favorites images to share.
  9. You are also too stupid to understand the law, so just leave the thinking to the great minds of Thomas, Taney (of Dredd Scott decision fame), etc. so shut the fuck up and do what you are told. /Roberts.
  10. They are not real Texans in his mind. Or people.
  11. Because they are the only one who believes in responsibility.
  12. @HenryJames Listen, I love that second photo from how brave she is; to how cowardly the wannabe soldiercops are. But this one triggers me a little bit, as I recognize that look all to well from the wife.
  13. Um, it was a problem when we started putting hacks and morons on the supreme court and pretending they were anything but. Citizens United was a moronic decision.
  14. You do understand how logic doesn't exist with this same age group right? I talked to my nieces about smoking cigarettes and they all agreed how gross it was and how bad it was. None of their friends do it. Feeling encouraged I asked about vaping. I was discouraged after that.
  15. I had a Jewish girlfriend. Seems like the adjective is fine here.
  16. I was having fun. But seriously, if an organization is blindsided by zero interest rates going up then they should seriously consider exiting finance/investment banking and enter the world of making french fries. Fucking morons. Never considered that risk exposure?
  17. I think we need a little music the students can chant:
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