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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. He’s a coward and pussy like him too
  2. Lol I’ll laugh at the day law firms start drug testing outside of government work. Thankfully I’ve never had to take a drug test in my life and don’t plan on it.
  3. This coming from the guy that’s obsessed with the other guy who brags about sexually assaulting women because he can? Get fucked
  4. The guy literally posted his son’s picture and full name. I’ll edit just in case it’s considered doxing even though I don’t agree with it. He’s fucking around and finding out.
  5. Yea, “he” isn’t really making it all that difficult.
  6. Since when are preschoolers (prek-3) taught about sexuality? My older sister has been teaching those exact grades for the last 10 years (probably more) and not once has any of that been brought up. Jesus wtf is going on with the right?! edit to add: the right has got to be made up of the biggest pussies in the country
  7. Does not mean it’s not relevant today 1234
  8. This article seems important… https://time.com/5818938/opec-oil-deal-coronavirus-mexico/
  9. Can confirm that the osso bucco slams and goes hard.
  10. Just booked Memorial Day weekend at Treasure Island. Pretty pumped as I haven’t been to Vegas in about 5-6 years.
  11. Lol MiB is a fucking cuck
  12. He doesn’t have any and barely has ties to the state of Texas. He has a BA from Maryland. His real name is Dannie Goeb for fucks sake. He is a former sports radio broadcaster, turned failed sports bar owner, and came back to radio broadcast albeit went political. Fuck him.
  13. As a Rams fan, Goff ain’t making those throws. So, yes, Stafford was/is essential. also this throw was amazing
  14. Nah that can definitely be by race. Minorities get shot and whites don’t (aside from the dumb bitch that was rightfully blasted at the capitol).
  15. Pfft summer of 2007 at a ranch in Aguilares, TX a game warden said he lost count after counting over 90. They’ve been crossing through ranches in south Texas for decades. I’ve seen them more times than I could count, even when your papi trump was president. Maybe instead of trying to “spread American values” in the Middle East maybe we should worry about our neighbors to the south and help fight the cartels over there.
  16. Lol at tennessee calling Texas “little t” 😂😂😂 Cant wait to beat the fuck out of them
  17. This is where I’m at. He will still have some interesting guests on but his always wanting to inject politics into conversations that turns me off from listening to him. I’ll admit I liked his interview with Dr. Peter McCullough but Rogan continuously trying to get him to admit that the reason for not pursuing treatments or other topics discussed was because of “media hate for trump”… he tried to get Dr. McCullough to admit it until he stated it wasn’t a conspiracy against trump. one I remember is him having that ufc fighter Holloway on and that one was full of political talk misstating pretty much everything they discussed. Couldn’t even get through half of that one. A favorite episode is one he had with Bill Burr where Burr pretty much tells him they shouldn’t be discussing covid because they’re not doctors and both know they don’t know shit about viruses. Duncan Tressel episode was good too.
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