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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. don't know much about California politics but big fan of Ted Lieu.
  2. so you guys can keep trying to steal shit and remove any semblance of a democracy in our government? you're still an all talk pussy, fuck you bitch.
  3. lol you're probably a big limpdick pussy so fuck you. you ain't bout that life go back to your basement.
  4. agreed. I'm fucking over seeing her there. the clapping meme was cool but you've done shit else so gtfo
  5. lol of course it was all for show
  6. CowboyFred

    D'onta Foreman

    agreed that this was probably a bad spot for him to be in.
  7. CowboyFred

    D'onta Foreman

    yea I noticed that too. also probably good that he got out of the billy o'brien suck zone. didn't realize that Vrabel was in Houston when foreman was drafted. cheap and talented player...coach will take that all day.
  8. CowboyFred

    D'onta Foreman

    didn't know he was on an active roster (or practice squat for that matter). Good shit happy for the guy to get another chance. Stumbled upon this tweet when looking for more info on his playing time yesterday since not even the titans website had him listed as getting any stats. seems to have gotten some good work done in limited time.
  9. a little part of me regrets deleting/deactivating Facebook only because I want to see what weird shit these people are coming up with this close to the election but then I remember their conspiracies also make me ragey and want to cunt punch them so I'll just wait to see what y'all post. keep up the good fight lads.
  10. fuck Clarence Thomas pussy ass bitch.
  11. So the burning of cities is the left’s Boston Tea Party?
  12. well, when you got nothing else, you deflect or move the goalposts.
  13. I kept trying to preorder the PS5 but kept getting locked in the checkout window of bestbuy and target. Thought I had broken through on Amazon but nope. edit to add: I may just get it in Mexico on Amazon. Have it shipped to Nuevo Laredo and I’ll have someone bring it up to San Antonio for me.
  14. this was a good twitter thread that took his concurrence apart for the sham it was
  15. An uncle of mine (not blood related but we Mexican so he's still my Tio) recently asked my younger brother about it. Saying that his daughter and her boyfriend have been sending him these videos to watch about "crazy stuff happening in the US." He asked because he admits he's not too book smart as he dropped out in probably freshman year but it didn't seem right to him. My brother shot that shit down really quick. I had to deactivate Facebook because of this shit. It was so infuriating seeing this shit being posted and when you pointed out the inaccuracies or flat out incorrect content they are posting they, like GRHorn here, would just not respond or side step your comment with some other unrelated bullshit. Another friend of mine got a little offended because she posted a picture with her new "Q" shirt and I responded with a laughing emoji and "you can't really believe this shit". ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Thankfully nobody in my immediate family has fallen prey to this shit but fuck if they're not getting large swaths of the population to believe their bullshit.
  16. weird you responded to both of these posts but didn't respond to the post below that actually tried to connect the dots for you... Any response?
  17. you just described probably 20-30% of privileged white families in the US with fuckup sons getting work. Mind you this "fuckup son" has a fucking JD from Yale. Compare that to trump's offspring - jr. with a BS in economics and Eric with a degree in finance and management and your argument that hunter's position is solely because they want to influence his father and I can't help but laugh. I'd say little Biden is easily more qualified for board positions.
  18. lol at this being how they're going to counter the Rudy shit
  19. Thanks for the response. That is my main concern regarding non-game apps because I would use the gaming console as my streaming device in my bedroom. I'm planning on getting a 4K tv when I buy the console to fully take advantage of the picture so I'm sure it would come with roku or smart tv capabilities anyways so the point may be moot in the end. I might just flip a coin in the end.
  20. Voted at the Shriner Auditorium here in SA on Sunday. Was in and out in about 30-40 minutes. Thankfully the line was only indoors. Drove by Monday morning and the line was already at least 40 deep outside about 30 minutes before they opened up. Felt good voting Dem all the way down. Fuck trump and the gop enablers
  21. To those who have owned both brands (ps/Xbox): which one should I get? I had a PS4 that just crapped out on me and was planning on getting the PS5 but am intrigued by the Xbox. I only really play call of duty and fifa as those are the only 2 games I’ve bought in the last few years. I’m also going digital if that makes a difference as I probably haven’t bought any disc games since you could just download them.
  22. my bad vatos forgot I had to get a new credit card issued and never updated the information here.
  23. 1234 Somewhat agree that it was more of a brain fart than her knowing. I can guarantee my ConLaw professor from law school knows the five off the top of his head at any given moment tho.
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