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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. This was going to show if we were a different team…nope same shit sandwich.
  2. Holy fuck and that stiff arm was some grown man shit
  3. Ian Boyd is SydneyCarton? mindblown.gif edit: that’s what I get for not hitting “show 4 replies” prior to submitting.
  4. Is the part in the conversation where we say that Rashan Gary is also a realistic possibility?
  5. Damn just came back to ask if they were still available.
  6. Fuck it lets fucking go all gas no brakes in this bitch
  7. And somewhere Rick Perry breathes a sigh of relief as he scarfs down a corn dog
  8. What more do they need to know? We literally saw her get shot while trying to climb through a door/window after being told to stop. Capitol security forces reacted as they should’ve. Maybe she should’ve just complied and not tried to overthrow our government? How many lawsuits have to come out saying that Tucker Carlson and other similar shows on Fox are not considered news for viewers to understand the reality television they’re watching and taking as news? (I know the answer but god damnit it’s infuriating)
  9. Agree with the sentiment that we need to do a postmortem of this whole ordeal to find out what worked and what didn’t in preparation for the next one as well as what people knew and when they knew it. Wasn’t planning on posting in this thread at all but had to comment on something else that came up. Who the fuck isn’t supporting an investigation into 1/6? Some of you really think “nah we don’t need to look into how or why some pieces of shit rubbed literal shit on the walls of the capitol.” I mean a fucking confederate flag was marched through that bitch!!! Fuck off and die in a fucking fire traitor pieces of shit out.
  10. Any of you got presale access? Trying to go with my pops to Rams/Texans (we’re Rams fans) this season.
  11. Lol 1 million a week...so in like 3-4 months
  12. Lol 3 (now 4) posts about the eyes in this thread...DeRAiLeD
  13. Jesus can y’all stop quoting bad teammate he’s such a whiny bitch. We get it, Bernie didn’t get the nomination, I wanted him too. Blaming Biden for shit like the parliamentarian saying it’s a no go to the $15 at the moment is beyond comical. Trying to ram it through at the expense of having the whole package fail gives the gop a win. Get the Covid Bill done and then get the vaccinations done. Then you bring in the $15/hr increase done. this is chess not checkers you fucking crybaby. Let the guy be in office more than 5 fucking weeks before deeming him a failure.
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