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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. Pretty sure it was impossible to know about Surly “at least from 07”... Also...fuck off Ted Cruz you bitch ass trump cuck
  2. Being a South Texas Hispanic from the border I’d like to reply: the recent voting in the presidential election that favored trump or an increased voter total in his favor is not easily explained looking at the numbers only. For example, in Laredo, a large portion of the population works in the oilfield or for border patrol. The oilfield allows many who would otherwise be working a dead end job the opportunity to earn great money. I have no issues with people making money but their lack of education or ability to use critical thinking with regards to understanding policies that would either help or hurt their profession added to the increased support. In their minds, Biden (democrats) were going to end oilfield/fracking work for good when in reality Biden’s stated agenda for fracking was not to issue new permits on federal land. That lie was parroted on Facebook and in the news by right leaning news outlets and spread like wildfire in Laredo. Regarding BP, it provides a great paying federal job for many that wouldn’t otherwise qualify for such a high paying government job. One of my cousins, literally known in the family as not the brightest of his siblings, is now a recruiting supervisor after about 10 years experience. I remember he would brag about how he didn’t have to go to school and is still taking home over 100K while I was struggling to get through undergrad and law school. Many friends that became agents would brag about getting paid to sit in their Tahoe’s and watch movies while parked on a ranch close to the border. One BP agent on my Facebook feed (now since deactivated because fuck Facebook) even was advocating for Texas to secede from the US if Biden wins. Mindblown.gif The sad reality is that many of the Hispanic citizens along the border, many only a generation removed from living across the border, think so lowly about our neighbors from the south. The mentality is “fuck them, I got mine.” They’ll claim that “They’re stealing our jobs” yet they don’t care that “Don Juan” who is mowing their lawn or remodeling their kitchen is here illegally because he will do it for cheaper. They'll cross the border to see the doctor because it’s cheaper. Additionally a sad reality that I’ve seen with a few acquaintances and distant family is that they fall for many of the conspiracies that are spread like wild fire on Facebook. I blame our education system in Texas for this shit but in my opinion it is part of the reason for the increase in support for trump this past election.
  3. Fuck it on to the next one...all gas no brakes go enjoy doing jack and shit in Palo Alto
  4. I would love to go at least a few days without a Texas politician not making an ass out of themselves in the national spotlight 🤬
  5. Nice of you to come back to the cloak room after dotard is gone. I’m sure your posts will be just as informative as they were before you left for a few months.
  6. Don’t make a shit if you buy the couch or the ounce of cocaine, you’re still stimulating the economy. All of a sudden drug dealers don’t buy shit? Just a different person you’re giving money to but they’ll still turn around and spend that.
  7. See above for fix. Go to your settings.
  8. Clicking on a thread title now takes you to the first post instead of the last unread post, shit borked?
  9. Agreed and great post. also, at a time like this, when our economy and citizens are struggling is not the time to continue being a “global savior”. Fuck Israel/Pakistan/etc. This is one of those times where the US should worry about our citizens first and to hell with all the special interests/foreign favors. Tell them we’ll get back to them when we can but for now we got our own shit to worry about. (Wishful thinking, huh?)
  10. This but I’m also not going to work myself into a frenzy and get all worked up because members of Congress jumped to the front of the line. What else did you expect? 100% i think my parents should get it before the denier gop congressman/woman that downplayed it from the beginning (I’m looking at you and your most punchable face in the universe Matt Gaetz (Ted Cruz is a close second)). Those slapdicks should’ve been thrown to the back of the line. But we knew that wasn’t going to be the case.
  11. That’s great news. Shit stains like that shouldn’t be able to hide behind a badge.
  12. What. The. Fuck. Shit heads like that need to be removed from the department yesterday and never be allowed to work as a LEO. Now question becomes, will it happen?
  13. Yea pretty much. There’s been “no injury yet” technically because they haven’t been removed from the count. Mere procedure but could end up fucking shit up down the road. but you know slapdick in chief will score this as a win for the country and elections should be next.
  14. It’s happened in the valley (I think it was McAllen) and in Laredo where the health directors have resigned/quit because of the shit they were getting from the people. We’re too selfish of a populace to look out for our neighbor. I’ll be getting the vaccine whenever I’m allowed to. also with regards to African Americans and them being skeptical, I was listening to Rogan this morning and Gary Clark Jr. was on and pretty much saying the same thing. He’s not going to get it right away he’d rather wait a bit. Didn’t even cross my mind to think of it as a racial thing and that’s fucked up on my part.
  15. What in the hell is going on in this place!!
  16. Thankfully I deactivated my Facebook around July because I got tired of biting my tongue at the fucking nut jobs that were posting. Made me straight up hate people i normally thought were ok and would even engage in convo if I saw them out. Decided my sanity deserved better.
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