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Everything posted by DoobieWah

  1. I've been wrong once before so it's possible it could happen again. We'll see.
  2. TP But wanted to add: I doubt it will be rebuilt as a religious structure. Ultimately it will be rebuilt as a museum. There are just not enough practicing Catholics left in Paris to bother with the expense of rebuilding as a sanctuary. My $0.02, but I would love to be wrong. And I'm not even Christian, much less Catholic.
  3. You know it's fake, right? Here's another one.
  4. I had dinner with him a few times back in the 80s when he was still coaching. I would definitely have gone over, re-introduced myself, and reminded him that he still owes me three drinks of premium scotch. He doesn't, but I bet that a) I would have gotten them, and b) he wouldn't have had to pay for them. 🤘
  5. Another Pablo Cruise/Doobie Brothers veteran here. It was at Jeppesen Stadium at UH in 1976. I was 15. Cruise opened, followed by Santana, Marshall Tucker Band and then the Doobies. It was Sunday afternoon show in April and hot as hell.
  6. More like a hoarder who can't see the kitchen from the den due to the clutter.
  7. Well, to be that guy, it's 26,000 Light Years to the center of OUR galaxy. While a comparable black hole may be at the center of our galaxy, this image is not it. It is at the center of another galaxy. We can't see the center of our own galaxy due to the intervening dust clouds. The black hole as pictured is estimated to be some 55 million Light Years away, so the image is what it looked like about 55 million years ago. Pretty cool, eh?
  8. I'm just the grammar police. My jurisdiction doesn't extend to actual crimes. 😎 (* Brickhorn's)
  9. The black hole is spinning so the ring is the accretion disk, (the stuff that has been captured gravitationally and is "falling into" the black hole). The brighter portion is the side of the ring spinning towards us and the darker portion the side spinning away from us. Also note that this is a black hole at the center of another galaxy. It's really really big.
  10. Drew Brees? Puleeze. That was a wounded duck if I ever saw one.
  11. I read somewhere that at some point CPS decided to quit investigating the abuse charges for fear it would result in more mistreatment. Let that sink in.
  12. Kelly McGillis and Kathleen Turner are mileposts as to how old "I" am getting.
  13. #TeamProGroceryShopping. Unlike the 1%s above, I value-shop and hit five or six grocers a week, often two or three in one trip. However, I'm way out Westheimer in Houston and have Trader Joes, HEB, Sprouts, Fiesta and Phoenicia all within walking distance of each other. I love Aldi for pantry staples. As for shopping services, screw that. I like to cook and will be selecting my own fresh veggies and meats thank you very much. And I'm always looking for new stuff which is much more efficient in person. Let's eat!
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