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Everything posted by DoobieWah

  1. Asteroids and Donkey Kong at Abbey Inn and Centipede at Posse East. That was pretty much it.
  2. Why do you think it's called "a mount"? Heyooooo.
  3. I was replying to Smax who thought Goode was the only bbq within 15-20 minutes from "next to Memorial HS". Yeah, that would be a haul from BP in Westlake, but it's not bad from I-10 and Echo. Of course, YMMV!
  4. Roegel's isn't far and damned decent. Nice folks also.
  5. You need to try to structure a Peace Treety.
  6. Along those same lines... Mindy McConnell NaNu NaNu.
  7. Just saw the ad on the Astros spring training game - The Mushroom Swiss IS back.
  8. Not a shed. Servant's quarters. Gotta Surly that shit up.
  9. If you lived in Houston you could report it to the HOA and those nosy bitches would stop that shit PDQ. In Austin, you might try CPS, the zoning board, (there's no CO on that shed), maybe la migra, but if I were you, I'd move.
  10. Old joke: I want to die peacefully in my sleep, unbothered by age or illness, just like my grandpa did. NOT screaming and crying in fear like the passengers in his car.
  11. Don't forget Don Lemon's black hole. /noraciss.
  12. Must have been some young Turk as an old Giza would have known better.
  13. And THEY got sucked in by a meat peddler! 😉
  14. Watch out for this guy: You couldn't handle his "Guatamalaness".
  15. His ego wrote a Czech his brain couldn't cash. (Yeah, yeah I know. I have no pride. If I said I was sorry for the shitty pun I'd be lion.)
  16. Eeyore's Birthday for the win! (It's still free, right?)
  17. He said I swallowed a lot of aggression... along with a lot of pizza.
  18. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
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