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Everything posted by 27-25

  1. The fact that Iran even considered buying US planes now surprised me. If Iran ever considers buying US planes again in the future would absolutely shock me. Another long term customer for Airbus and others. MAGA!
  2. Keystone pipeline moved forward? Going to be more difficult to shut it down when functional that it was to thwart it in the development stages.
  3. CA I believe is the largest car market in the US. In addition about a dozen other states have voluntarily latched onto the CA standards making it a defacto standard for most of the country's citizens. What Detroit does not want is to have to create two versions of every model in the US. Since two versions is not an economic option, they can either 1.) make every car in the US adhere to the CA standard or 2.) lobby their new lap dogs in government to do their bidding. Perhaps the automotive industry submitted an "action plan" to the government.
  4. If we invoke the "nuclear option" in the senate, can we at least try?
  5. I think the charges in Sweden were dropped, but a warrant for jumping bail in the UK still stands.
  6. Does it bother me that the government simply tells ISP's to treat all content equally? No, that does not bother me in the slightest bit. Does it bother you all of the big corporations that want to charge more for access to some content than other content? Or even more egregious, to throttle or potentially block content altogether for strategic or monetary gain? And NN doesn't allow an ISP to charge more for a person who "streams 100% of their TV through the Internet". It does allow them to charge more for a person who streams more GB of data, regardless of where that comes from. Without NN it would be well within say Comcast's right to throttle your DirecTV Now stream for "technical reasons" even if the amount of data is well below your contracted rate. Would that bother you?
  7. More of this and less of... well... less of practically everything else.
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