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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Longhorn_Fan68

  1. this IS her romance novel. you know incels and misogynists alike will be furiously beating off to this.
  2. I think there's a lot of election fatigue. we really need to limit the campaign season. and a whole host of other election reforms. but shortening that window would cut out a lot of the bullshit.
  3. welp, I was quietly rooting for Monty and the B's but fuck them for making Marchand captain. Hope they have a historically bad season.
  4. I'm considering it, but that probably also hurts good D candidates that maybe don't have funding or backing. It's a risky strategy. But if the races in your district are a foregone conclusion, then hell yeah do it
  5. good god damn republicans are fucking wired to be concerned about everything but solving problems. jfc
  6. Yeah, i wish we were in a time where a sitting senator's attire meant something, but i also think he kinda makes a statement at the same time. Whatever, we're at war so who gives a shit what people wear to the occasion
  7. Would you mind changing the current thread title unless or until this one is necessary again? Or we can just start a new thread. But i don't think that's warranted here
  8. wouldn't be the start of the NHL season without a little drama. the league is better off without Babcock and dickheads like him.
  9. Stars go 2-1 in the tournament. Detroit, who was the host, went 0-3. Yikes https://www.defendingbigd.com/2023-dallas-stars-traverse-city-prospects-tournament-columbus-blue-jackets/
  10. Are you referring to the chick with her pants half undone? What are the admission standards for the Hellraisers these days? If you had just panned left you would have seen some d cups
  11. Did anyone get a pic of that buxom Hellraiser? My sister kept yelling "titties!" every time they were on screen
  12. ah, so he's a drive-by poo flinger like @clapclapclap
  13. pubs should change their motto to: "Everybody's fault but mine." Classic Led Zeppelin song
  14. good, I hope their heads collectively explode. worldwide IQ will go up bigly
  15. no shit. I just an hour ago dove into chatgpt for the first. I am having a search function added to my site and there was a communication breakdown between me and my programmer. I was speaking design-build and he was speaking code. ai bridged the gap quite nicely. i don't think anyone lost a job because of it, but it probably saved me 2-3 hours of his time to arrive at the same place, so definitely useful. but to me that is what it should be - a tool to make humans more efficient. nothing more.
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