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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Longhorn_Fan68

  1. therein lies the difference between a cult and a religion. the head a of cult is alive. I seriously think there is a IQ cutoff somewhere that accounts for most it, but for some reason a large swath of our neighbors have unknowingly joined the largest cult in history (other than maybe Nazism, but i don't really care to look it up).
  2. goddamn, i was there. dark days those were.
  3. *looks over both shoulders* so anyway, here's a Jason Aldean tune
  4. come on, now, schools are so 1999. we have walmarts, mosques, malls, churches, restaurants, temples, convenience stores, parades, concerts, grocery stores, hospitals, parks, movie theaters, nursing homes - you name it! america is a big, diverse urban hunting ground. don't you feel safe and free????
  5. man, southern states have those droves, don't we?
  6. you see, the GOP is very good at what they do. the thing they do best is lie. when that doesn't work, the second best thing they do is gaslight. if that pesky truth rears its ugly head they simply say the truth is wrong and everyone should listen to them. it's straight out of '1984'
  7. oh yeah, man. the more indecipherable the lyrics the better. 🤣
  8. I grew up on classic rock, because that's what my dad listened to. Started on the metal journey with Alice in Chains, Metallica, Megadeth - the usual suspects. Found what I could as an minor in the Deep Ellum scene of the mid-late 90's. Like you, first Pantera song I heard was Cemetery Gates and was blown away by it. Heard it on a late night metal radio show in the DFW area and happened to pop in a tape to record the segment. Must have listened to CG 100 times that night. Moved into black metal like most people blindly feeling their way through metal genres, Like I said above, spent a few years in the nu metal quagmire and then started feeling out heavier and heavier sounds. Started with the likes of early Meshuggah, Slayer, and Cannibal Corpse and even found bands like Hatebreed, Chimaira, Lamb of God, and such. Settled into my genre when I first heard Suffocation, Internal Bleeding, and bands like Bolt Thrower and Immolation. Won't likely ever go back to clean singing bands again, but I can still appreciate them. But you won't find me bumping any of that shit in my car. Cookie monster vocals is my jam.
  9. wow, honestly wasn't expecting the love for CoE. I cut my metal teeth on bands like that in high school and college. got caught up in the nu metal thing for a bit and then headed toward death/brutal death. this wasn't their best or heaviest song, but it was a fun one to see live. there's an almost minute long drum intro and that would absolutely get the crowd going. good times. cheers
  10. I wonder how long the tiny DeSantis sign will remain up near the job I'm doing in west Austin. I'll report if it comes down. been up for a month or two now.
  11. I just had a high thought before bed: since everything is a confession with this guy, the whole "stollen" narrative has been ringing in my head like a bad earworm. It occurs to me that perhaps some of the evidence he absconded with was actually how HE stole the first election. that would be some shit. lol, anyway, good night.
  12. oh man, another from the late 90's Dallas era just popped into my head. Anybody remember Course of Empire? They were doing the multiple drummer thing way before slipknot. lol.
  13. sadly that probably won't move the needle for corch
  14. Russia. I want Russia fighting Russia - like they have been goading us to do for a very long time. It's time their people took over.
  15. same for me and architect for forever, but I fixed that recently. glad to get that monkey off my back.
  16. am I the only one here not a lawyer?
  17. wow, color me surprised that I find myself on the same side of a Koch
  18. this gonna be a short discussion
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