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Vito Andolini

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Vito Andolini

  1. I’m happy to have you explain your joke to me, and how it relates to the Bowen Bros (or even the Mannings). Sorry, I must be a little slow on the uptake this morning.
  2. Anyone who chooses to live in Norman, Oklahoma over Austin is indeed committable.
  3. He had two touchdowns against Washington while also carrying a groin full of misplaced guts, so that’s pretty good.
  4. I think we’ve finally found Bill from Sinton.
  5. I shouldn’t participate, but what the fuck? Did something happen to Rush?
  6. Several Alabama players displayed horns down at the final gun last year, prompting Saban to scream for the Fox national audience to hear, “Don’t do that shit!”
  7. So, they didn’t trade for Sam, whether Ehlinger, Cosmi, Yosemite… We have long threads to discuss Cowboys minutiae and Sam Ehlinger.
  8. Roy Johnson is a phenom. A man with no moral compass, no moral code. A true grifter who may be capable of even more pervasive shit.
  9. We’re really having a group of 80 year old men assemble on the DKR turf on 9/2 at 2:00pm?
  10. You all fucking suck. On a different subject, is Craig Whey doing play-by-play again this year?
  11. I wrote it in the Cowboys thread, but the notion that a player is able to “walk off the field under his own power” is good news is completely disproven bullshit when it comes to knee injuries. Neyor did the same last year, so have countless others. You’re probably traveling to the sideline carefully and in a straight line, not zigzagging like a football player needs to. It really sucks for Overshown, he had a great first preseason game and that first play was more of the same.
  12. At least Tolbert has been a positive revelation this year. Showing what the scouts saw.
  13. Hey Bill Jones, “walking off under your own power” doesn’t mean shit with knee injuries.
  14. Ok, they are doing “referee tryouts” in a couple games, including this one. Sorry pal, you ain’t gonna get the gig. https://www.footballzebras.com/2023/08/referee-assignments-preseason-week-2-2023/
  15. The umpire at the Bears/Colts game must be new this year as the head of his own crew, and he is clearly out of his depth, really struggling with the penalty explanations. Quite uncomfortable to watch, it’s even delaying the game. I can’t imagine the league office hasn’t noticed.
  16. Roschon playing very well again tonight, the Colts the opponent. https://www.espn.com/nfl/game?gameId=401547664
  17. The latest from Justin Wells: Added a couple notes: “Manny (Muhammad) was better than last week. Watts burned a few times. (Anthony) Hill flashed again. Going to be hard to keep both off the field. CJ Baxter was in the breaking tackle mood.”
  18. From Burton minutes ago: Some notes just in:Defense definitely had a good day. They created a couple of fumbles and made an INT.Offense improved as scrimmage wore on. Ced Baxter continues to impress.More as we get it!
  19. To each his/her own. Tried to watch it a couple months ago on Peacock, had to bail after about 30-40 minutes. One of the worst movies I ever attempted to watch. Wasn’t funny, ironically or otherwise, and I love dark, subversive shit. This didn’t hit the mark. Just my opinion.
  20. Napoleon was known for his return, but I thought it was 100 days, not 12 minutes.
  21. Justin Wells just entered a 65% RPM for McKinley to Texas
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