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Everything posted by bschoolprof

  1. remember when we thought there was a chance Maxwell would come here instead of the evil empire? lulz.
  2. As my favorite philosopher Tom Petty said, we need a big weekend.
  3. Nope. We'll never get over the OU hump while she is there. No one will honestly. She's the GOAT for a reason. I'm a bit more disappointed in not really getting over the OSU hump. We did sweep them last year, but we have been 3rd at best in the conference for a while now. It won't get any easier in the SEC.
  4. Yep, this is the EPIC-SR trial that I referenced earlier in the thread. Pfizer ended the trial early because it was a nothingburger. Yet we still get bombarded with TV ads to take this thing when they've known for some time it doesn't work.
  5. mine went down 4%, but the assessed value went up 5% due to several years of prior appreciation that got capped at 10%. So my taxes will of course go up.
  6. No way we take 2 out of three from the sooners. I mean maybe I guess, but yeah no way.
  7. If we get swept by OU, but otherwise win out (except for a respectable loss in the big 12 tournament), you'd have to think we'd get a top 8 seed given our schedule?
  8. Texas thoughts: Pretty disappointed by our offensive showing this past weekend. I am not confident heading into this weekend. We'll be lucky to take 1 out of 3 against OU, unless they are somehow massively overrated. General thoughts: Is anyone else tired of all the reviews in college softball? One thing I like about softball, compared to say baseball or football, is the games are usually a crisp 1.5-2 hours. Now we have ump reviews and coach reviews and they take for fucking ever. Ump reviews should be banned and each team should get 1 challenge.
  9. Agree with a lot of this, except Goode can't hit and Vivi can't field. Pick your poison. random thoughts: 1) Who would have thought Mia Scott would be one of our more reliable infielders? She had an error today, but has played relatively clean to me, at least given what I was expecting. 2) The announcers said they asked coach about our hitting woes. I didn't hear this interview, but he chalked it up not to approach, but just that our batters needed to work individually more on their swings and in the cages. Couldn't disagree more and I think that's one of CMW's big weaknesses. We just don't play smart softball sometimes. There's a reason our patient hitters like Bella or a slapper like Maloney had the only hits of the day against OSU. They don't chase and instead wait for their pitch.
  10. Between our terrible baserunning and terrible approach at the plate, we deserve to lose. Just a poorly coached team right now.
  11. I would have gone with Mac too, but our offense shitting the bed the last couple of weeks is the real issue. I feel like a 3 run lead is insurmountable for us against a good pitcher. One thing that's really frustrating is our our lack of adjustments throughout the game(s) as we see the same pitcher multiple times through the lineup or across games. e.g., they like to throw changeups early and often? Oh well, no way to beat that. Kilfoyl has been good today, but not unhittable. We are swinging at shit that's off the plate and getting into bad counts. Our batters that have been patient today have gotten on. We get one bad strike call off the plate and then we start swinging at everything off the plate. At this point, I'd let blue ring us up before swing at shit that's an automatic out. But it's like our coaches never talk to the girls about this. It's just the same shit over and over.
  12. OU dropping two games to lamar is interdasting.
  13. great, gritty win. See if we can take the series tomorrow. Gotta help our pitchers out with more timely hitting and better baserunning.
  14. So it looks like Austin is hiring the former city manager for Dallas, who was forced to resign by the mayor and council. Seems on brand. https://www.axios.com/local/dallas/2024/02/23/broadnax-resigns-dallas-city-manager https://www.keranews.org/texas-news/2024-03-27/austin-to-offer-city-manager-job-to-t-c-broadnax-mayor-says
  15. I switched away from AT&T to T-Mobile because my service was shit. My service is still shit, but I got free phones, my bill is ~80 mo cheaper, and I get all sorts of free shit with T-mobile (netflix, appletv, hulu, MLB).
  16. It's a neighborhood in East Austin where old Alejandro, a maintenance man, used to live. Due to rising rents/property taxes, he's been pushed out in favor of new Alejandro, an "urbanist" and bike dork.
  17. I hope so. I haven't had time to watch the pokes this year. Let's hope they can't throw a changeup!
  18. Mike is 1-5 against OSU in Stillwater. This might be the last time we play there for a while.
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