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Everything posted by bschoolprof

  1. At a baseball game so I can’t watch. But other than the pitching and hitting, it looks like we are right there.
  2. Did that giant uncircumcised penis finally retire?
  3. We haven't beaten OU in Norman since 2014.
  4. Yep, definitely deja vu. Sucks having #1 and #3 in the country in your conference every year. I think we dropped 6 conference games last year too. 2 to OU, 3 to OSU, 1 to Baylor I recall (where we got annihilated and I basically wrote our season off at that point - lol). It kinda feels like rinse and repeat. Maybe we'll get really hot at the end of the year. I don't think we have the pitching to make a deep run though. We need a true ace.
  5. so, as we head into conference play, call your shot. Do we finish better than 3rd in the conference? Likely no (again) with OU and OSU being so strong as usual. Last year, we went 1-2 vs OU (home) and 0-3 vs OSU (away). Baylor also looks to be pretty good this year.
  6. since we are going off on tangents now, who was the dude that basically implied he had to kill his wife or some such shit because she socialized during the early days of the pandemic?
  7. Also, no one probably cares but me, but it looks like Bella is swinging away now instead of slapping. I don't know if she's just experimenting because she's done both in the past or the slapping was better for her healing wrist and she's back to full strength now. I know nothing about slapping - I'm a baseball guy.
  8. atwood with another dinger. 2-0 good girls.
  9. The researchers behind this latest study/analysis are the same ones as Proximal Origin. In their own words, they had been trying for weeks in Feb 2020 to disprove the lab theory.
  10. Sophia can look good for stretches and then she loses focus or tires and the wheels kinda fall off. So yeah, bullpen makes sense.
  11. I'm well familiar with the story and what happened. I just didn't care for the style or direction of the movie (e.g., cutting to a bubble bath to explain mortgage bonds). It felt aimed at the superhero movie crowd or WWE fans. Not my thing.
  12. It's not so much what any one bank does, in isolation, it's the incentives it creates (or distorts) for depositors. One obvious reason we have limited deposit insurance is the insurance fund is not big enough to backstop all deposits. But another critical reason is we want wealthy, non-Mom and Pops to have some skin in the game with the loans (deposits) they are making to banks. They have the sophistication and financial wherewithal to monitor bank risk taking and move their funds to safer/higher-quality institutions since they have risk of loss if things go south. This type of monitoring is one of three pillars the FDIC views as playing important roles in mitigating the moral hazard problem with deposit insurance. This moral hazard problem arises with any insurance, but it can be exacerbated by government distortions. When the government, via flood insurance, bails rich people out of their foolish decision to build houses right on the coast where there's - wait for it - lots of water that is bad for houses, it encourages more foolish decisions to build houses right on the coast. SVB was reportedly paying 5% plus on large uninsured deposits. We want the VCs and tech companies to pocket the gains from this but then socialize all their losses? Ok, but then you'll get more SVBs and flooded houses on the coast that we all pay for. Another approach is to let the uninsured depositors learn the tough lesson of making risky on-demand loans to liquidity-strained borrowers.
  13. I couldn't stand big short - never finished it.
  14. This movie is an all timer for me. The acting and dialogue are top notch. It shows you can make a compelling drama with people mostly sitting around a table talking. Much like “Conspiracy.” Can it really be possible that we don’t know where Eric Dale is?
  15. Tighter banking regulations will do little IMO. They still have to be enforced by humans, and past experience has shown we suck at this in banking.
  16. One argument: because it basically implies we are effectively moving to a fully insured deposit regime, not just for mom and pop, but every entity. And that exacerbates the moral hazard problems that seem to contribute to a banking crisis every 10-15 years.
  17. but don't worry, banking regulators will be on top of this and surely prevent this from happening. Just like the San Fran Fed was out in front of the SVB liquidity issue, and not some random dude on twitter.
  18. So the Marlene chick healed up just fine and had an entourage that got her to the fireflies quicker than Joel. Seems like she could have just taken Ellie all along. Oh well.
  19. I love how Czech talks to herself in between pitches. I always pull for her.
  20. Brandon making a case for staying in the lineup.
  21. Baylea should definitely get more PT
  22. I've watched a little baseball this year. woof.
  23. This goode chick seems good at softball.
  24. It's nice to see the local gal doing well. She was a beast in HS. I had high hopes for Jordan as a freshman. But she just seems broken at the plate.
  25. Listening to Cat praise our offense is a little sad. If only she had better run support back in the day.
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