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Everything posted by CfRhTxStBobcats

  1. This is the answer. Guy goes down on 3rd down with fake cramps he may only be out 1 play, bullshit indeed. Loved herbies excuse, been hot. I guess hot for only 1 defense. Should have pointed it out at least once. Or maybe give Horns props for their obvious superior hydration program. I'm sure if it was reversed it would have been pointed out multiple times.
  2. I couldn't understand a damn thing he said. The crowd noise seemed to drown out a lot of what herbie and what's his name had to say. Still a little hung over so can't remember what what's his name name is. Mr gameday works
  3. I'm with you. Mad at halftime, dissapointed after.
  4. Only 70 fewer yards than Burrow. Sam goes for 600 tonight against our D unfortunately
  5. I expected a lot of happy aggys, after all they beat the spread and made all that money.
  6. Damn right. NC fightin' butterteeth are gonna pull this one out.
  7. I have uverse and can watch the game on my phone, but my wife will be with me and I don't want to be looking at my phone all night. I'm going to Scottsdale on a mini vacation because Houston isn't fucking hot enough. I appreciate the heads up by Bottlecap for the Exes watch party. Only problem is I'm just your run of the mill t-shirt fan, but I do have a pretty hot wife and can buy a table a round or 2 of drinks. Hopefully that'll get me in the vicinity of a tv. I know the rules, just never posted a pic on surly and have no idea how.
  8. Thanks for the info. We'll definitely head over early.
  9. So I guess I'm going to have a hard time finding a place to watch the game in Scottsdale. Anyone out there in the phoenix area know of a place it might be on? I could talk the wife into watching it at a bar, but I don't think I can talk her into sitting in a hotel room while I watch it on my tablet.
  10. He should have stopped after "I have a hard time understanding", that pretty much said it all.
  11. This hits close to home. I'm watching the Smithsonian channel and there's a show on about Nazis in Brittain and the US.
  12. This story brings a tear to my eye and makes me so proud to be a lifelong t-shirt fan.
  13. Highly unlikely. Probably tripped over an untied shoelace.
  14. Hot damn! Haven't been following recruiting much lately but if there's a JoJo Earle out there he has to be a Horn. That's a freakin awesome name. If I wasn't so damn old I'd try for another boy just so I could name him JoJo Earle.
  15. Couldn't care less about the shoe or CK. I'd take the man more seriously if he would have made his stand during his Super Bowl year rather than wait til he pretty much lost his job. I think he took a good cause and made it all about himself.
  16. I'll take Mike Roachs word for it. That video was turrable
  17. Time to change thread title to sixfigs in envelopes/trust the karen
  18. They didn't lose, they ran out of halftime.
  19. I was gonna say Travolta and Uma in Caddyshack, that's a first for me.
  20. Damn, I felt like I was playing a drinking game reading that article. It seemed like every other word was Fedora.
  21. Is this a record number of pages for a UT football player that never played football for UT?
  22. Send him a bill for out of state tuition for the semester if he bolts.
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