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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. EMAW’s contributions to this thread have done more for helping me understand the psyche of modern Rs than Hillbilly Elegy.
  2. I think gmr is right. The predictions are too rosy. It's too easy to look at polls that over sample D given turnouts R's have, particularly when the senate is at play in their state since all they care about is SCOTUS.
  3. Bernie and Bloomberg tied King County 1-1. YOUR VOTE MATTERS!
  4. that map is fucking hysterical. Bloomberg won Roberts county with 6 votes.
  5. that was about going from Kerry to Obama. I said going from hated to meh is Hillary to Biden.
  6. When you say it that way, it actually makes me feel more optimistic, going from milquetoast to exciting nominee got 700k when Texas voting population was 80% of what it is now. We don't have that nominee quality bump, but we do have going from unliked to medium, at least. Rs have flat-lined since 2004, and D's have picked up the newly registered voters. Given 1.8MM new registered voters since 2016 and a sudden increase in likelihood to vote, it almost sounds possible.
  7. I'd rather it not be Kobach as the nominee and concede it to R than risk that turd ends up in the senate.
  8. I read that yesterday and wished the Guardian was a little clearer with the analysis. I mean, the county with the fewest black and latino residents is probably something at the top of the panhandle with 30 people. of course there aren't going to be many closures there.
  9. Yeah, D's might win some down ballot, but if any had illusions about Trump/Cornyn, I think those were put to rest.
  10. the whole scam is "make things mathematically certain to occur without bright lines." it is the same as the census issue: it is mathematically certain that response rates will fall with questions regarding citizenship among a particular demographic. so let's ask about citizenship. the NC voter suppression case was the same. a certain population tended to favor later voting hours. so eliminate later voting hours. A certain population favored particular forms of ID. so disallow those forms of ID. I believe the judge used the phrase "razor precision" when describing how they came up with the dividing lines that happened to exactly correlate with racial behavior. there is nothing in there that makes it impossible to vote. it is just mathematically certain to cause it over a large enough population. the thin veneer of plausible deniability is embarrassing to fall for if you are a college grad.
  11. This is why I think we are headed in the right direction. Joe is going to get more black votes than Hillary, and those are in key states. Obama needs to step in and encourage it. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/11/how-can-democrats-get-the-black-turnout-they-need-in-2020.html
  12. My gut says Biden winning this is a good thing. He’s the best shot against Trump.
  13. And were you wearing your Timbs while you were there?
  14. lulz. it's not *that* there is a reduction of polling locations, its *where* there is a reduction of polling locations. /ronwhite
  15. It’s not the PraegerU guy, so not that bad.
  16. If you're more interested in calling things down the middle, perhaps you'd be interested in the Court cases on this very thing, with hundreds of pages of opinions analyzing thousands of pages of evidence. Which conclude that Republicans hate democracy. One day you (not you you, but some hypothetical non-garbage you) will wonder how you convinced yourself you were on the right side of these issues. It isn't like it takes Columbo to unravel these mysteries. They are a matter of public record. It is as true as 2+2=4. But it feels scary for you to learn things, so you type 'lol this is so bias' and move on.
  17. Travis County Ds not fucking around. Nearly doubled 2016's raw early turnout. YEAR REG. VOTERS VOTES PERCENT 2020 822,720 108,778 13.22% 2018 736,112 61,772 8.39% 2016 667,116 61,014 9.15% 2012 594,254 13,482 2.27%
  18. key in 2008 was getting out the black vote, so that is good. but then again, he already has the black vote. so maybe he's wasting an opportunity to reach out to some other group.
  19. Lulz at comparing it to Seinfeld. It was a mass adventure drama where people waited around for years to see what happened to the protagonists. you don’t sit on the edge of your seats and theorize with your friends whether Jerry is going to be able to tell a good joke next week. “he did it! Everyone laughed! Good guys win!”
  20. I do believe it’s important for the Texas ethos. I think it’s why the average Texan isn’t as garbage as the average SECer. We have this mass personality we can look up to and latch onto that has a patina of courage and frontiersmanship and whatnot. The rest of the confederacy is stuck with the one important thing in their history is when they were a traitor to their nation becaise they loved slavery. We’ve been able to put the civil war behind us better than them because of it, imo
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