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Chuckie Finster

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Chuckie Finster

  1. "Sark forced Michigan to refuse to let Worthy enroll early" may be my new favorite piece of fanfic.
  2. The fact that he was the one that broke the SEC move will forever convince me that it was an aggy hail mary to break up the deal.
  3. Correct. But I went and rewound the initial announcement by the ref going into the review and that quote is verbatim. Pure incompetence, per usual.
  4. They signaled fumble. Ref announced on mic, “The ruling on the field of the runner being down prior to the ball coming loose is under further review” and the chyron went with that (as it should). Besides the obvious incompetence, no idea why the ref said that or made no attempt to correct later.
  5. Pre-Trump, that badge would be up there with Dukakis in a tank as a sure-fire, campaign-tanking image. Now, Herschel probably becomes the 2028 nominee for president.
  6. Haynes King didn’t make it two drives vs. the worst team in the Pac12, and arguably the entire P5.
  7. Evan Stewart seems like someone I would want as a potential missing piece on a National Championship caliber team and precisely no other situation. What a headache.
  8. Except those people don’t live in reality and are convinced these kids never existed/are still alive.
  9. Still have a tough time believing this, but here’s a mock draft from last week with Coburn going in the first round. https://www.pff.com/news/draft-2023-nfl-mock-draft-houston-texans-cj-stroud-chicago-bears-bryce-young
  10. Cannot put into words how fun it would be to cheer on some dude named Pimpton.
  11. Dude is gonna wake up in a deep sweat one night in his 50s and realize he voluntarily turned down three years of Quinn/Arch in a Sark offense for jimbo fucking fisher. It will be a shame when his biggest career payday comes at 18 years old.
  12. Little known fact: this exact quote is actually engraved on all of their class rings
  13. Aaron Wilson is an NFL guy that used to cover the Texans and is currently based out of Houston. He seems to have ties to College Station, as he always seems to be pumping up aggy prospects come draft time. Dunno how that plays into this, but I’ve definitely thought he’s a mouthpiece for aggy before, which would make this very interesting if it turns out to be false.
  14. This is a good one too. One of the 5 most fun games I’ve ever attended, which makes absolutely no sense to anyone who wasn’t there.
  15. Glad the Kindle hit is getting the respect it deserves. I’ve been to louder games, but I have never heard a single louder moment. 100k people letting out a years worth of frustration at the same time. A primal noise that I haven’t heard before or since.
  16. That’s fair. I still think the top 2 wild card teams will almost always produce a better team than the worst division champ vs. third wild card.
  17. I know we’ve covered this, but they’re gonna have to tweak this new format. Both the Astros and Dodgers seem to have a tougher draw than their leagues #2 seed.
  18. Thankfully, Jimbo has given Saban no reason to take this matchup personally. In true Jimbo fashion, he considered all potential outcomes before opening his mouth this summer and the most talented team in the country has no extra motivation to dominate aggy backups this weekend…
  19. Just caught up and read through this thread. I suspect binge watchers will have a more favorable opinion of these early episodes, because I didn’t even consider most of the complaints brought up here. I will say, for a show that many have labeled boring and predictable, it was quite funny to read all of the wrong guesses in hindsight.
  20. After this Will Smith decision, I’m officially #TeamCrane.
  21. “The abortion is bad, but he will continue to vote to ban them, thus preventing many more future abortions.” The logic trail to bring the abortion voters back home isn’t complicated to envision.
  22. Well, according to his own logic, Herschel has already completed the “murder” portion.
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