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Everything posted by Chuychanga

  1. Good luck to him! Nothing but well wishes.
  2. My neighbors brought me a big foil pan full of crawfish last weekend and they take my trash out for me if I’m out of town.
  3. GWB is a good guy but he got in over his head and surrounded himself with a few really bad people. Donald is an awful person. Complete worthless piece of shit of a human being.
  4. That wasn’t my point. I’ve traveled to Mexico at least 20 times a year for work for the last 15 years. I love Mexico and I’ll be there next week. My point was simply how ridiculous it sounds when any of us, me included, says “I just went and didn’t feel threatened therefore it must be safe.”
  5. I’m not anti-Mexico in any way, nor do I blame anyone for still wanting to go today, but to say that it’s safe because you just went and nothing happened and you felt safe the whole time is completely useless to everybody. You have no idea whether you were in danger or not. I mean I don’t care how aware of your surroundings you are, everybody always feels safe right up until the bullets start flying. Joe Bob the vacationer with his family feeling safe has nothing to do with the fact that he may or may not have been surrounded by cartel members at any given time without knowing it.
  6. Yeah but his user name checks out better although yours isn’t too far off either.
  7. For fuck’s sake David, if you want a thread about artificial pricing go start it somewhere else. Slorch and I rarely share the same political view but you can be in favor of some mandates while thinking others are horseshit. On topic, fuck fast food. I indulge from time to time but the whole country would be better off if every single fast food joint gradually disappeared.
  8. Setting people up seems like high school bullshit. The most you should ever do is put two people in the same place at the same time. If something happens it happens, if it doesn’t it doesn’t, but any further interaction from the third-party is just silly and childish.
  9. If they follow it upstream it will lead them to the building that contains the servers for texags, where it oozes out at a steady rate. We need a fucking wall alright. Around that, apparently literal, shithole.
  10. I coach one kids baseball team, volunteer at the other kids school, I’m an occasional scoutmaster, I mountain bike a couple times a week, and keep a girlfriend happy. When work offers up extra time, at a pretty penny... meh, I got better things to do. And I love my job, it’s my dream job, partly because I’m not expected to break my back doing it.
  11. So you turn on a fan to make it cooler underneath the blankets that you voluntarily crawled under to make be warmer? WTF? If you’re warm enough to need a fan why would you be under the covers?
  12. I just put mine and my kid’s names in the hat for Philmont next summer with our troop. He’ll barely be old enough but his next chance to go would be at 17 so we are going to try to knock it out this summer. This is what I got involved with scouts for. The ceremonies, merit badge classes, local campouts, and esprit de corps stuff is all fine but I’m in it for the backpacking and wilderness. Can’t wait!
  13. My kids and I were in Paris last August. It was warm but not uncomfortable. Our room may have had AC but we never used it. Gone all day, windows open with cool breezes at night.
  14. 97 is up in my old ‘hood. Wooten Warrior for life!
  15. Guys who bitch about their wives turning them down for “sexy time” need to understand that their wife probably just wants them to be a man and pound her until she can’t walk instead of trying to be cute with shit like “sexy time.”
  16. Ok clue me in here. Produce and meat I get. Milk? Other than brand and % of fat, what else is there to look for? Latest date I guess?
  17. I find a window in the kitchen and I let myself in. Rumage through the refridgerator, find myself a beer. I can't believe I'm really here and these rednecks don't have my scholarship...
  18. Longhornmaniac, how you been? Still at PCA? How much longer until you're filling out apps?
  19. Guys gotta understand it's not just the wedding day they are fucking with here. They're going to have an anniversary in football season for the rest of their married lives. Good luck heading to the game that Saturday... every... single... fucking... year.
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