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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walser

  1. My grandfather in WW2 bailed out on his 11th mission after a Ploesti bombing run and landed in Albania. He was a POW for around 9 months. The plane with no one aboard crashed into one of said mountains after everyone bailed out.
  2. Don't I know it. They pretty much had a whites-only immigration policy until about 73'. A hundred years ago it wasn't clear whether it was illegal to kill an Aborigine. I don't know where to look for a progressive democracy. Maybe become a Kiwi?
  3. I was informed by a Canadian immigration law firm that I was a prime candidate for Saskatchewan acceptance. (SINP) And you know what rhymes with Regina... I also have some extended family in Australia so will try and cultivate that as well. Is there a flourishing liberal democracy anywhere?
  4. I'm going to play Devil's Advocate here... Economic incentives don't always work the way we might mentally model them. What if a max of $8 of ends up providing an incentive to not pay on time and the result is a net negative? On time payment becomes less of a priority. There have been some interesting studies on this. I'm all for the cumulative positive effects that Biden has amassed. During my lean ass years a quarter century ago $24 was very meaningful. So my gut feeling is to support this.
  5. I've been trying to convert my closest friend but he just licks his balls and walks off.
  6. Same here. Though "don't even like guns" only means you aren't fapping furiously to the gun fetish. They have their time and place of course. Their time is occasional and their place is almost always in my floor safe.
  7. I first skimmed that as "driver was taken to St. David's North Austin Medical Center." Uh...about that...
  8. Never understood the cutesy curled finger flip off. Put your middle finger out there big as life. Extend your thumb big as life. We're done here.
  9. What the fuck is going on in here?
  10. What does Lord Stark have to do with this??
  11. I am of the opinion that (as you pointed out) that our current interpretation of sentence structure may not be the same as in the past. I believe the first clause "A well-regulated militia" is a pre-condition for the rest of the amendment. But as worded it needs to be repealed/clarified. Sorry if I am repeating what others have already said, but the insertion of the 2A into the Bill of Rights was to assuage the concern of many that a standing professional army could be a tyranny that a militia would be able to counter. The founders would be looking at our situation now and thinking "WTF is wrong with y'all?" We got a lot of damage to repair in a large part due to the NRA.
  12. I said speak your mind Jack, but Jesus!
  13. Yes. John Stewart is back tonight.
  14. This is starting to challenge that whole TxTow saga in bonerificness.
  15. Oh I don’t want her to die alone. That is just cruel. I want her to croak with us all in the room laughing at her.
  16. I was fortunate enough to go to Omaha beach last summer. Spent the entire day at museums and the cemetery. Quite humbling and a great memory. I expected it to be closed off due to whatever ordnance was still there but nope, I walked right into the surf and curled my toes in the sand.
  17. I took a casket in a hearse to a tailgate at Greg Davis' last game I think. Whichover one also had the banner. I dressed up a dummy in the open casket with a paper sign that said GDGD. God I'm still an immature little shit.
  18. Fitzhugh is popping. I have watched over the years, being nearby and all, and it keeps growing. That two lane road will be short-lived. That One Shot place is unfortunately on a good bit of ground. Near a main intersection. They will be around for a bit.
  19. 200 to 300 hundred tops. I was born in the panhandle, raised on the Carcinogenic Coast and went to live in the People's Republic of Austin by the grace of God, because my ass didn't deserve it. I was not gruntled to hear about my rights from a boviating meatchicken jackass. I did have the dunkel because I'm a sucker for dark tasty beers. Sue me.
  20. This must have happened long after I left. These people are the stupidest but also fortunately completely inept.
  21. Yeah I did see that banner but did not pay much attention to that detail. I remember thinking that's a little weird but moved on. I alternate between being on that ledge with you and being an optimist gump. In the end I think these are just children who need their cough medicine and be put to bed for the night.
  22. Went to the Trump border train rally tonight. I live about ten minutes away so wanted to see what it was like. Whoo boy. It was exactly what you imagine. Sarah Palin made some shrieking remarks and Ted Nugent said something about how he played guitar in the 80's and if you did not have a gun in both hands you were a homo. His rendition of the Star Spangled Banner was not good. Someone had the "pine tree" flag and I asked her which of Washington's frigates commissioned in 1775 she liked the most. She blinked a few times. I changed tact and inquired about which part of John Locke's Second Treatise of Government she found most compelling. Blank stare. These are not serious people. Their lunacy is waning and I have hope for our republic. I think we can keep it. That said I enjoyed talking with my Central Texans. We talked sports, family and dogs. These are good people. Let's pray that this too shall pass.
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