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Everything posted by HeHateMe

  1. Do you have your headshot on your business card? Never understood that.
  2. So the going rate for an elevator blowie is 5 beers?
  3. Stay in Tahoe and let the wife commute to Reno. I’m serious… Reno is a grade A jizz stain.
  4. Tom obviously needs some strange. Who can’t relate to that? Also, he’s 45, not 65. If he wants to work a few more years then she should embrace that. Football makes him happy, the marriage is probably doomed but I like the chances better if he’s doing what he loves on his own terms. And for the whole she’s worth more than him crowd…who gives a fuck? Dude has a quarter bil in the bank, he will be ok.
  5. When two thirds of your team transfers and you have 53 first year players…it was over a week ago.
  6. Pro tip… put the cuff on your shaft while eating fries in order to get the most enjoyable readout.
  7. Or maybe the prelude to a go fund me to get more than $280 in her account.
  8. Post divorce hog bender will be epic! Congrats and get a pre nup. Not that I’m bitter or anything.
  9. It’s sad that this is our “new normal” in this country. Columbine was a massive event that rocked our nation, and now we are so desensitized to these senseless killings that this will be a blip on the news cycle radar by this time next week. Makes me feel sick. Innocent children getting slaughtered deserve more. My daughter is in her last week of kindergarten and my son is not far behind. These actions are nightmare fuel. As others have mentioned, it is unlikely that this will be the tipping point to help better safeguard our children and society against future acts of senseless violence. Two knee jerk thoughts come to mind that I think could potentially make a difference, or who knows, maybe I’m drunk. 1) I would gladly opt into a voluntary city tax of 1%, for the next 3-5 years, to help fortify the public schools in our district. I’m the last guy who wants my kids to feel like they are attending school in a prison, but I know I’d sleep better at night if there was a barrier to help deter, slow down and possibly prevent this from happening again. I’m sure that I’m not the only parent of school age children who would do the same. 2) Maybe I’m wrong, but aren’t the “kids” that shoot up schools the kids that can’t get laid and don’t have much luck with the ladies? I know nothing about the shithead that did this, but I’m guessing that he falls into that category. Half the country has legalized pot, why not prostitution? Regulate it and tax it but give the outcasts a legal chance to get their dicks wet and maybe they’d be less angry. I know it’s a long shot, but why the hell not try?
  10. Going to Slightly Stoopid at Red Rocks in August. Never been and always wanted to see a show there. Pumped.
  11. Tear them up and hand back to the pit boss to throw away, they ask him to send the cocktail waitress over. One of the best feelings you can have on a casino floor.
  12. Hope this means 4 hours in St Augustine
  13. This….I’m guessing it makes Dewars taste like Macallan 18.
  14. I hope your steak was medium rare and your BJ was well done!
  15. Does OP still have a boner? Did he fuck? Did he turn into a smurf? Need some closure to this.
  16. Sean Penn should stick to acting. Now if he were to start pumping bullets into Russians, or Javelins into armored vehicles, my personal opinion of him might change. Until that happens, he remains a great actor who is also an attention seeking self absorbed douche bag. YMMV
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