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High Plains Drifter

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Everything posted by High Plains Drifter

  1. Lithium in the drinking water would actually be a good thing.
  2. That was after Jimenez said the man successfully opened one of the emergency exits at the front of the plane and nearly jumped out of the plane. “H was about to jump down, and the plane is elevated, right, so he would have jumped apparently two stories to the ground,” Jimenez said. “And the flight attendants just kicked in, and everybody pulled him back to safety.” idiots. Somebody should have Sparta kicked that asswipe right out the door.
  3. Anybody who shoots a rolling coal bro walks if I'm on the jury.
  4. Washington state is using TxDOT engineers now?
  5. I am disappoint that Jesus didn't pop up out of that tank.
  6. ^ nothing lame ass about that meme.
  7. Yeah, I don't watch any news. Listen to NPR on the drive. Read NYT online (my wife has a sub). Subscribe to the New Yorker in print, but I'm always about a month or two behind. Plus rando links on surly. We recently moved into a new building at work, and there is a giant tv in the breakroom, always tuned to ABC news. I try to just ignore it. At least its not Fox I guess.
  8. I too would like to see the video. The "Antifa kid" was probably just some protestor who mouthed off to some white supremacists.
  9. yeah, those buffoons are wearing life preservers. I was referring to the state troopers, or whatever the boat guys are called.
  10. I love how these stupid fucks get all armored up for a 15 minute (if that) cruise on the river. When I canoe on the river, I don't even bother carrying a pistol, and I certainly don't wear a tactical vest. Cosplaying pussies.
  11. Don't worry guys, I'm sure the bull was ok. https://twitter.com/DailyLoud/status/1653122029195763720
  12. Anybody know how much a round trip flight from longview to bedford and back costs?
  13. If its about funding our roads, it should be a function of miles driven and weight of the vehicle.
  14. Regarding those high heels Meatball wears... Isn't it against the law in florida now for men to cross dress?
  15. That's his entourage of aides and other assorted toadies and boot-lickers who's job is to clap whenever he "pwns" a lib or member of the press.
  16. I wonder what percentage of kids with two mommies or two daddies end up being gay or transgendered? I suspect its going to be about the same percentage as kids from one mom one dad households. But I'd be willing to look at any studies with an open mind. IF kids with trans or gay parents do end up as gay or trans at higher rates, it would probably not be because of "grooming" or some shit, it would probably be because those parents don't threaten or shame (or worse) their kids when they start to come out or transition.
  17. Ditto. Also have Kill em All, Ride the Lightning, and Justice for All on vinyl.
  18. Yeah, I still have a clock radio that I still use for the beeping alarm (speaker gave it up years ago). Used it in high school back in the early 80s. Although it may have been a gift, I don't recall. I also have a collection of old vinyl LPs that range in age all the way back to the 60s (everything from Beatles to Slayer to Willie Nelson to Beethoven) . Oldest that I actually bought are probably from the early 70s . Now that I think of it, I should give them to my nephew who is a drummer and is into classic rock and collects vinyl.
  19. Maybe it should be a crime even if you don't injure or kill anybody if when you take a potentially dangerous shot?
  20. Welp, that next discovery in quantum electrodynamics is just going to have to wait another generation.
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