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High Plains Drifter

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Everything posted by High Plains Drifter

  1. Yes, we can concentrate the homeless in their own camps. We can call them concentration camps for short. We'll even give them free showers.
  2. This wasn't the shooter protecting anybody or his property or his business or any shit like that. This was vigilantism. It was reckless, it was dangerous, it was uncalled for, it was unnecessary. The shooter should face charges.
  3. Sovereign citizen law forbids capital letters, or what?
  4. Right now, I'm probably less than a 20% three point shooter. But if you are shooting thousands of shots a week, you get better. If I can get 100 to one odds (Say I bet 10 K, payout 1 million), I would take that bet.
  5. Some asshole with too much money bought a bunch of land near me, drilled a bunch of wells, and planted a vineyard. Here we are ten years later, not a damn drop of wine, and my well went dry. Fucker.
  6. The team that wins the world series is not necessarily the team that scores the most runs.
  7. And if she did learn it before marriage, she forgot it the day she got married.
  8. Everybody draws their own ethical lines. I don't think its unethical or immoral to eat animals. I don't think its unethical or immoral to to raise animals to eat them. But if we are going to raise animals to eat them, I think we should at least try to do that as ethically as possible. As somebody said above, beef cattle spends probably most of their lives in a pasture. The real unethical treatment is done more to pigs and chickens (and I guess dairy cows?), which is why I really don't eat hardly any pork at all (yeah, I know, bacon tastes good, pork chops taste good), and buy all my eggs from either the farmer's market whenever I can, or I spend a little (or sometimes a lot) more buying free range eggs. One doesn't have to be an absolutist. One can care about the ethics of big ag, and still enjoy BBQ.
  9. coachwhips climb trees. I don't know if they shed in trees.
  10. Factory farming is cruel to the animals, even if they "want" or "prefer" it. I don't want billions to starve, I'm not a vegetarian (just had a delicious ham sandwich for lunch), but I also buy locally raised, grass fed beef at my local butcher. We should be at least trying to move away from factory farming. Even if it means the price of a McDonald's burger goes up a buck or two.
  11. No way in hell I'm giving those idiots my cell number by signing up for that shit, but I think this is a great idea. However, If we can convince them that GM, Chevy, Toyota, Nissan, etc one by one are all woke, then they'll have to either ride bikes or take mass transit everywhere. or all grocery store chains, then they have to either starve or grow their own food. Even better, convince them that antibiotics, insulin, high blood pressure meds, cancer meds are all woke, and they all die that much sooner. Damn, what if we convince them Winchester, Sig Sauer, Remington, Armor lite are all woke? I think this is the best idea you've ever had, ygifs.
  12. lol. My conservatard BIL drinks that crap. I'll have to buy him a bottle for Christmas.
  13. Its for all the big strong men who are so saddened with tears in their eyes that they need medical care.
  14. I caught the tail end of a story on NPR in the car this morning. Pressure is mounting from D's in Cali for her to retire.
  15. You goddamn right I walk the dog. Gets me out of the house for a while. I'll take 'em into the woods, have a smoke, a little quiet time. No wife, no teenage daughter. Just me and the dogs. Heaven.
  16. Last night at my 12 yr old's game. She plays first base, bases loaded, 2 outs, batter hits a dink back to the pitcher. Daughter moves to first, sticks glove out to catch the throw. I can see from the stands her foot is not on the bag. I almost strangled myself trying not to scream "GET YOUR FOOT ON THE DAMN BAG!!!!" What came out was a gargled "Gahhhh". Its tough man, its tough.
  17. A shame the city didn't require protesters and drivers to have gun permits... weed out the psycos with deranged social media posts and none of this shit happens that night.
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