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High Plains Drifter

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Everything posted by High Plains Drifter

  1. First star trek movie was actually pretty good imo. But I think Magnum Force was far superior to Dirty Harry, even if Magnum Force didn't have the easily quoteable one liners all the others in the series did. Dirty Harry- Callahan violates killer's rights to save girl, killer gets released on a technicality, Callahan goes rogue and acts as jury and judge and kills the killer completely bypassing an ineffective criminal justice system. Magnum Force- a "new breed" of cops are committing extrajudicial killings, inspired by Callahan doing the same in Dirty Harry. When Callahan doesn't join them, they try and take him out. He kills them all, while making the argument that even criminals have rights and cops have to have oversight, even if that means some criminals get away with it.
  2. Been a while since I have visited this thread. Reading all this shit stresses me out for some reason, but today... I have to post. So, this morning wife has to leave early. She's up early, I hear her leave the house, car doors slamming, then back in the house and a lot of panicked rustling around, then finally "I can't find my car keys, I going to take my car key off your key chain." I'm half asleep but thinking this doesn't sound good, but she's late and I'm not going to argue. Fast forward, around lunch today I get a text from my neighbor "Hey drifter, I saw your mailbox doors was open, but I couldn't close it because the lock is turned, preventing it from closing." Fuck, so I stop to check the mail on the way home and sure enough, the mailbox was open. I get out my mailbox key so I can unlock it and close it and relock it and yep (can you see what's coming here), her keys (all three cars' fobs and house and mailbox keys) are all in the open mailbox, which has our address right there on the inside of the open door. This is the series of events as best as I can reconstruct them: Yesterday, wife comes home from work, stops to check the mail. Gets out of the car with her keys (keyless ingnition, so car keeps running even if you get out with the fob), opens mail door, locks mail door with the door still open, removes keys from mailbox lock, sets keys in the mailbox while she flips through the mail, leaves key in mailbox without trying to shut door, gets back in car, drives home, turns off push button ignition, comes in house (I was already home so front door was unlocked), never checks purse for keys until the next day when the car won't start because her fob was not in her purse. I didn't ask but I would bet my life savings she was talking on the phone during all that.
  3. this is worrisome, if half true. @Ghost of LL , any comments? https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/27/opinion/a-war-with-china-would-reach-deep-into-american-society.html China also has more than 1,350 ballistic and cruise missiles poised to strike U.S. and allied forces in Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and American-held territories in the Western Pacific. Then there’s the sheer difficulty the United States would face waging war thousands of miles across the Pacific against an adversary that has the world’s largest navy and Asia’s biggest air force. ... The United States might be forced to confront the shocking realization that the industrial muscle instrumental in victories like that in World War II — President Franklin Roosevelt’s concept of America as “the arsenal of democracy” — has withered and been surpassed by China. China is now the dominant global industrial power by many measures. In 2004 U.S. manufacturing output was more than twice China’s; in 2021, China’s output was double that of the United States. China produces more ships, steel and smartphones than any other country and is a world leader in the production of chemicals, metals, heavy industrial equipment and electronics — the basic building blocks of a military-industrial economy. Critically, the United States is no longer able to outproduce China in advanced weapons and other supplies needed in a war, which the current one in Ukraine has made clear. Provision of military hardware to Kyiv has depleted American stocks of some key military systems. Rebuilding them could take years. Yet the war in Ukraine is relatively small-scale compared with the likely demands of a major war in the Indo-Pacific.
  4. This really is the only realistic solution, because they will never be stopped.
  5. also used in space suit visors-a thinn layer completely blocks UV radiation, protecting astronaut's eyes from unfiltered sunlight:
  6. They do that stupid shit at my gym. Luckily, I generally work out in the evening, and all the cross fitting is early morning or at noon-ish. Shit is dangerous, and stupid. If we're lucky, she'll break her proto-human skull when her hand slips off the bar during a fish flop pull up.
  7. you get it so often because your posts are diamonds of brilliance in the shitpile of the internet. wail the drool is pos? Fuck, now I have to go back and find all the times I drooled on Helobious' posts and change my reaction.
  8. Yeah, I'll contact the guy who installed my system years ago. I heard through the grapevine that he got the cancer, so I'm not even sure he is still in the biz. I might be out of luck, I'm kind out in the middle of nowhere, finding a contractor for anything is a pita. Thanks.
  9. so the tesla "powerwall" is the battery back up? Apparently I'm out of luck on that as I already have the panels. Looking at enphase, and it also assumes I don't already have the panels. furk. I'll guess I'll have to actually "speak to a representative".
  10. I already have the solar panels installed, anybody have any ball park figures how much it would be to add a battery back up system? I'd rather go that route than a gas generator (no maintenance being one reason).
  11. generally true in any situation that involves anybody saying anything.
  12. From a water stand point, dOtArd Water is really wet. A lot of people don't know that.
  13. Im going to guess 7 or 8 times what they all pay in federal taxes. dyin ain't much of a livin
  14. Out here in the hinterlands of west texas, I've seen quite a few "Texit" signs and bumper stickers (and even a t-shirt) since that senile, sleepy old man pulled one of the biggest scams in history and stole the presidential election. I avoid any person or establishment supporting such traitorous idiocy.
  15. youngun's today don't know the joy of a party line.
  16. The worst thing about this is that we going to be subjected to carrots saying "eat mor califour" ad naseum now.
  17. Its the same shit when, for example, Ford gets sued because their CEO cut costs by neglecting safety. Its the stockholders that pay, not the CEO.
  18. As an undergrad I was taking an ancient civilizations class to fulfill a fine arts requirement. Huge class in one of those monstrous lecture halls in Welch. Some dipshit down in front would always interrupt the professor (a Dr.) during lectures with some inane question by raising his hand and going "Ms.? Ms.?" I couldn't tell if the professor cared, she was always gracious about it. But finally she told the dude to come to her office hours if he had questions.
  19. So, by the time I was 18, I was safe from prostate cancer until at least my 80s?
  20. Desantimonious is looking a little.... orange... in OP's picture.
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