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High Plains Drifter

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Everything posted by High Plains Drifter

  1. Also, this Christmas we will be hitting up three houses in four days. Total driving = 1,000 miles. (not really batshit crazy family related, but there would be passive aggressive bullshit if we skipped a house. Plus the 12 yr old likes to see her grandparents and cousins, and I don't want to deprive her of that.)
  2. some years back, I had to lay down the law: either turn the TV to football, christmas movies, off, or even a yule log, but if Fox News was on, we (including the grandkid) were leaving. They turned it to football.
  3. Way back in the mid 80s sometime, my roommate bought me a scratch off for my birthday, and I won 200 bucks. I cashed it, called up a bunch of friends, bought a bottle, took it all to the Carousel, laid it on the counter, and announced "beers and set ups on me until the money's gone." edit to add: I stuck a tenner in my sock for the cab ride home. Back in the early 80s my driver's ed class was next to the horseshoe. Weeknights for something like two weeks. Dad would drop me off, then hang out in the horseshoe. After class was over, I'd scrape him out of there and drive us home.
  4. That tweet will live infamy, but only if we remind the next generation.
  5. Where I live is a popular biking area. They bring their bikes in on trailers, stay in a hotel, and go day riding on some scenic highways. No big rallies (thank god), just a continuous trickle during the warmer months. We probably average 1 or 2 motorcycle deaths a year.
  6. I was about to say The Hangover, but then I remembered how old that movie is. As for action-comedy, I thought Bullet Train wasn't too bad. I chuckled out loud a few times. I've also heard (but haven't yet seen) Violent Night brings a few lols.
  7. He wants to stop our good air from going over to China and replacing their bad air. I mean, who is against that?
  8. A lot of y'all are a better persons than me. I feel no empathy, sympathy, or any other emotion for that ratfuck. Is revulsion an emotion? All I know about Mrs. Ratfuck is that she is married to the ratfuck, so I don't really feel anything for her either. I sincerely hope the daughter turns out OK in the end. I hope both parents do the right thing. As far as I can tell, that would require the ratfuck to stop being a ratfuck, and Heidi to divorce the ratfuck. Until either of those things happen.... The ratfuck has made a career of making a punching bag out of the gays and bis and queers and the trans, despite the fact that his own daughter is apparently bi (I did not know that until now). How is that not psychological abuse? How is staying married to that not psychological abuse? You see, Mr. and Mrs. ratfuck? You see what happens? Of course, there is the possibility that she loves her dad. Her attempted suicide had nothing to do with her sexuality or her ratfuck father. Who really knows? We will probably never know. But until I find out otherwise, yeah, they are ratfucks. Fuck em.
  9. so when the asshole loser gets a job at Fox, will they still use the blurry filter when she's on the air?
  10. Too soon!!! Y'all need to stop politicizing this tragedy!!!!!
  11. damn, I thought he was lip syncing dOTarD until Mcconnell. Those two were spot on. well yeah. Hence all the voter suppression tactics.
  12. did not age well. What is a bearer bond anyway? anybody?
  13. The only place I can remember off the top of my head having seen a texit sign was in Fort Davis. edit: that's ironic. Fort Davis, which wouldn't exist if it weren't for the federal fort and later historical site located in town.
  14. Is that irony? I guarantee one of the things these fucksticks are pissed off about is "muh taxes!" Good job idiots, you just caused taxes to go up.
  15. 40k without power for a week will probably end up killing more than an "average" mass shooting. Think traffic accidents because no street lights. Drugs that require refrigeration going bad. People who can't use their portable dialysis or O2 machines. Along with the standard freezing to death because no heat.
  16. fox news/maga retort: If drag shows are causing people to be so upset that they blow up the grid, then we should ban drag shows. 50% will nod their heads in agreement.
  17. sigh. How many times do I have to explain it to you people? He is running because his narcissism won't let him not run. He lost, and he can't deal with that. He has to prove to himself that he is not a loser; he has to run again. When he loses again, it will be because of "rigged elections, believe me." The grift is just the ketchup on the burnt steak.
  18. you somehow think this is due to that extra money the IRS got? welcome to the ignore list.
  19. "metrosexual" there's a word I haven't heard in a long time.
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