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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. when you switch on SNF on the peacock app, if the game has already started there's a bar across the bottom which asks if you'd like to see the highlight reel.
  2. saw a cybertruck in the wild yesterday turning onto saint st from west alabama. saw one of the new hummers being towed by an F350 down allen parkway today.
  3. Don't know how you manage to miss the space in a car that small
  4. good faith is subjective. reasonable is objective. as you well know, one of those is much more readily second guessed than the other.
  5. i have other stuff to do this afternoon anyway. make some eggnog and some bread pudding.
  6. so that they could kick it for the win if they had converted. and it isn't like the ball didn't hit the receiver in the hip.
  7. Think that's a first down but not incontrovertible Edit: Lost half a yard on the spot
  8. So dumb for the angels not to trade him.
  9. so the usual culprits for hard crust is baking too long/hot, too little water, not enough rise, too little dough, low hyrdation, overkneading, and too much oil. could be other factors as well. don't remember if you're here in texas - altitude does all sorts of things to baking recipes. https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/learn/resources/high-altitude-baking
  10. did you use AP or bread flour? AP will be stickier for a given hydration
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