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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. Got the car inspected the other day. Dude tells me my gas cap won't attach to the test machine, and so sells me a new one, AutoZone brand. Fine. Next commute the check engine light comes on. I pull the code and Google it - evap. Usual cause - gas cap issue. Look up the new cap part number on AutoZone - does not fit my car. Had no idea those things weren't universal.
  2. Yeah but a quarter pounder with cheese is $15.23! Trying to fill an entire formal dining room at the white house would now cost as much as an F-35!
  3. venezuela is already in bed with china so not sure that would work out well for guyana:
  4. *claims to hate people on the dole, supports policies that demonstrably result in more people on the dole*
  5. the prior regime was the inability to instant abort your one nighter. the current regime is the inability to abort your certain to be DOA brain-outside of skull failed pregnancy which is going to threaten your life and fuck up your ability to become pregnant ever again. a 3x higher maternal death rate than in states without such draconian laws is such a thing to be proud of. but i know, i know, you can't have a good faith discussion in CR with penelope negging you constantly.
  6. or even even more accurately, employees, since the employer is agnostic whether that money goes to an employee's checking account or to the government or to an insurer. only when employees get market power can they shove much of that cost onto employers. and i'd posit most employees don't have that market power.
  7. A plan written by a tobacco company lawyer and later supreme court justice.
  8. for every rich man there must be 500 poor.
  9. fuck i missed their two and a half week long tour!
  10. so, you pay a shit ton of money to sit on the start/finish line at abu dhabi. there's like two things to actually witness if you're there: the start and the finish. the start you see just fine. but the finish? obscured by a fuck ton of fireworks and smoke.
  11. played with all the skill and grace of an alabama - lsu game circa 2010.
  12. ah yes, we should take totally seriously the admonition not to listen to celebrities from the people who elected an actor and a game show host to the presidency.
  13. some dick was reporting cops every quarter mile on 290 from highway 21 to mcdade on wednesday. fucker.
  14. press the escape key and find out.
  15. took his hands off the guy before he crossed the goal line "penalty happened in the end zone"
  16. i could tell for sure using the super slow motion and multiple angles that his foot was bending from being dragged on the ground in bounds, not hovering just over the turf. and i'm watching in a window so probably have a smaller view than the officials do.
  17. way to kill your own momentum, jags
  18. you can see his foot bending from being dragged on the ground, shit ass officiating.
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