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Everything posted by GopherRock

  1. John Fetterman is rapidly approaching Larry Bird and John Randle-level of shit talking.
  2. From your mouth to God's ears. 52 seats or better means that A) Fetterman and Barnes have won, and B) Manchin and Sinema don't matter. That's worth it on it's own. The only offense the Democrats will be running in 2024 will be replacing Sienema with Ruben Gallego.
  3. Garland sent Timothy McVeigh to the gurney and Terry Nichols, Ted Kaczinski, and Eric Rudolph to ADX Florence. As noted by someone else above, Mitch McConnell might well now regret not hiding Garland in the minority on the Supreme Court.
  4. Whether the Cabinet ever attempted to use the 25th Amendment.
  5. From the jump, I've had North Carolina firmly entrenched with Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the top tier of Democratic pickup opportunities, and that was before seeing Cheri Beasley only losing by 380 votes with both Cal Cunningham and Donald Trump on that ballot. I've had it PA/WI/NC, (large gap) OH/FL if things go the right way, (large gap) all the rest. Tim Ryan's latest polling in Ohio is trying to make an argument of why I should move it out of the lottery ticket tier. Iowa doesn't get promoted unless Chuck Grassley buys the farm. Republicans dodged a massive bullet in Missouri by putting Eric Grietens out to pasture. And if Val Demings winning in Florida would be the biggest shocker of the cycle.
  6. Ilhan Omar's problem was that she didn't get her core areas of support out. Major miscalculation. And she wasn't the only incumbent to sweat out a photo finish last night. Robin Vos, speaker of the Wisconsin Assembly and brainchild of the last 12 years of Republican rule in Wisconsin, nearly lost to a challenger who charged him with not being sufficiently anti-democratic.
  7. David McCullough's writing is fantastic. I've read his books on the Brooklyn Bridge, Panama Canal, 1776, and the Johnstown Flood. All are great reads. And another one this morning: Lamont Dozier might not be a well-known name, but without him writing songs Motown Records flat out doesn't exist.
  8. Special election to replace the late Jim Hagedorn down in the 1st today. The drama to replace him has been thick. This district has gotten really Trumpy in the last 8 years. It's very different than when Tim Walz won it in 2006. Yes, that Tim Walz, who will be cruising to a second term as governor. I'm not sure how much to read into this election, other than a Republican winning a R+10 district by less than 10.
  9. Loved Bologna! And yes, you would really have to try to screw up to eat poorly there. Interestingly enough, my FIL's favorite food of the entire two weeks in Italy was a chunk of focaccia from a storefront across from the Bologna train station.
  10. Al Capone went to the jug for tax evasion, not murder. IMHO, TFG will be shoveling cow shit on a Georgia prison farm before the federales charge him. Out of kindness, I suppose.
  11. Florida and Ohio are both red states unless and until proven otherwise. If polling comes out on October 15 showing those margins, I might buy it. Still, the fact that Florida and Ohio are even in the discussion shows how big the Kansas bombshell was.
  12. Side 4 of The Wall is the epitome of the modern Republican Party.
  13. The Republican-endorsed candidate for Minnesota secretary of state
  14. Among other things, GWB appointed John Roberts and Sam Alito to the Supreme Court. 'Nuff said.
  15. Taking food from kids has been a conservative cornerstone since at least 1971. See Maggie Thatcher, the milk snatcher.
  16. The great irony is that without a runoff, there would currently be two Republican senators from Georgia.
  17. It's HIMARS o'clock and OU and Russia still suck.
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