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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by DaysOff

  1. Hey numbnuts. There are actually nazis in this country. Guess which political party* they support? If you're in the same bookclub as them, you're forever on the wrong side of history. It's not the independents if you're having trouble.
  2. You neither need nor deserve a gun pussy.
  3. Yes, because that's how civilized society works. If one person shits their pants we all have to wear diapers. Every other western country has figured this out. It's the guns stupid; it's always been the guns, but we can't make a change because of the sacred parchment. Last week New Zealand declared the proud boys a terrorist organization. Our dysfunctional government can't even manage that.
  4. The airlines are going to possibly post their best single quarters since Orville and Wilbur, but RECESSION!
  5. So numbnuts dad is a Republican politician that lost to the current Democratic mayor of HP? This is my shocked face.
  6. So numbnuts dad is a Republican politician that lost to the current Democratic mayor of HP? This is my shocked face.
  7. Dusty is asshole for penciling in a loss on independence day.
  8. This is why I said on the independence day thread being a British subject sounds pretty good right now. Of course, I was Slorch'd. Murica, love it or leave it. What's stopping you.
  9. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR8rwBon/?k=1 I fucking hate the dodgers
  10. We're still a team of mostly no name over achieving scrubs. Everything is awful.
  11. Alaska Airlines to Hawaii. Crazy world we live in. Now, bikini pics.
  12. Watched George hit a home run for a bunch of fucking Canadians last night. I miss George.
  13. Narrator: it won't. Fingers crossed in Georgia though. Garland is a pussy.
  14. DaysOff

    Led Zeppelin

    How did you get in? I registered for it every semester 85-89 and never got it. Seems like you had to suck someone off if not an RTF major.
  15. I don't understand why these mules just haul ass with the doors locked. At least open the trailer and haul ass.
  16. Deluge west of canyon lake.
  17. https://www.vergeagency.co/women/sumner This one?
  18. Had Hulk on a flight to Tampa once. Couldn't have been nicer. What a sweetheart.
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